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the "red requires treatment" means to schedule a doc visit or requires treatment NOW???

I would! You're right on the border but I wouldn't mess with it! Some people have no idea or symptoms they have HBP until getting a random test done! Hopefully its what Muddy had but like yesterday cut out all SALT and high sodium processed foods along with fatty foods in your diet!
I refuse to check blood pressure. Once I start checking it while feeling bad I get nervous and it skyrockets. So it well may be nothing/stress/heartburn.

I would go to the er and worry about not paying later.
Whats are your readings right now?
I would go to the er and worry about not paying later.

:rofl: +1 If illegals do it all the time, no reason a legit American citizen should do like wise!
If you're not gonna go to the doc, don't check your BP. Lie down, take slow deep breaths and go to your happy place. Think about boobies. Relax.
I experienced stuff like that back in the day. OTC painkillers (codeine with acetominophen and caffeine) can definitely lead to an increase in blood pressure - particularly when you're talking about "way too much." Also chest pain.

My honest answer to the question of WWYD is: nothing in particular. I would generally try various combinations of drugs and alcohol and hope to feel better that way. Sometimes in that situation you can end up with a lot of trapped gas and not realize it, and kinda squeezing your knees into your chest and forcing yourself to burp as much as possible will help. Sometimes, not always.

Not saying any of this is smart but it is my honest answer. Followed that approach many times. I don't know what I would do today. Can't imagine myself being in the situation. My blood pressure is so consistently low and I don't take any drugs. But I would still resist going to the hospital unless I actually had parts falling off. That's just me.

The other advice you are getting here is better no doubt.

always been in good health , at least felt I was.
some dumb, not plum dumb
almost positive this is a cause and effect situation of something we discussed previously.
Try to message poster Doc JS at SBR if you can senco. He is a doctor. I would not listen to anyone who is not a doctor. It's your life at risk.
Trust me, I date doctors.
still kickin
BP still high, no chest pains today
just checked and its 150/120
this morning was something lke 157/112
lost bout 3hrs there?
not sure if passed out as in not conscience or as in feel asleep
cig burn in carpet only damage I can find.
Tell you what I'd do....Two chicks at the same time, always wanted to do that.
McB you'd need a million dollorz first.