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Where should Cali move?

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To where should Cali move?

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Ima get some ridicule for this but San Fran weather is teh sucks.

If I wanted to move out of NYC and had those options I would pick San Diego. I've never been there myself, but Daddy Rain goes often on business and he loves it.

I did visit Blitty in SoCal. Climate is a shitton better than on the northern west coast.

Fok rain.

Agreed re: San Fran weather
I shoulda add Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto and Austin to this list

Never been but from internet learning Seattle is too wet, Van and Tor too cold! Now Austin might be cool place to be for you! Younger college crowd with nice weather! I bet you would be a natural at bull riding, better than her I'm guessing!

So, I have ever lived anywhere more than 5 years. I like change. I really really hate winters. I know Chicago winter is worse, but there's good job options there. Anyway, my parents are aging and it's difficult being so far from them, and flying back and forth is a pain (due to a family health issue I am in California as I type). My career industry is thriving out west in all major cities and growing rapidly, in NYC it's slower building and very very corporate. My money would go much much farther in different city, however, as Blitty knows, I am able to live a nice life in NYC. I have a nice studio without roommates, I have a good job, etc. I am contemplating the benefits, pros and cons one might say, of a life elsewhere.
Barely any darkies in Memphis.. :lol:


i dont have a choice to move though...if i did, i definitely wouldnt be here...

and when i say "niggers" in l.a., im speaking of niggerdom from all races... l.a, for the most part, is made a complete shithole by its residents

and i disagree with needing a certain type of strong personality to live in ny...you need money to live like you want to live, or else you dont make it there ... :yes: