What is your favourite breed of dog?

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Once I own a big enough house & yard, I would love to have a Great Dane

mmike has now made a list. Within 5 mins he has said that cats are useless and that his tripping days are past him.

Just when you think you're getting to know somebody :banghead:
Immo, Great Dane's are my favorite too. One great thing about them actually is you don't need a big yard or house. They are totally couch potatoes. In fact, they were recently voted the #1 apartment dog in a NYC poll. They don't really run around or exercise much at all. In fact, it's not even good for them to run too much.

One thing that has always made me a little hesitant to get a Great Dane is their life expectancy. It's only about 8 years. I don't know if I could handle that.
mmike has now made a list. Within 5 mins he has said that cats are useless and that his tripping days are past him.

Just when you think you're getting to know somebody :banghead:

Immo, Great Dane's are my favorite too. One great thing about them actually is you don't need a big yard or house. They are totally couch potatoes. In fact, they were recently voted the #1 apartment dog in a NYC poll. They don't really run around or exercise much at all. In fact, it's not even good for them to run too much.

One thing that has always made me a little hesitant to get a Great Dane is their life expectancy. It's only about 8 years. I don't know if I could handle that.

Yeah 8 years would go by quickly and it never gets any easier losing a pet. Wow #1 apartment dog? That surprises me.

Maybe I need to big house because that means I have made enough money to afford to pay for all the dog food. :grin:
Once I own a big enough house & yard, I would love to have a Great Dane

Oh jeez. I use to have some friends who had two of them. It was ridiculous. They drool (and they drool big). They are too big for most human surroundings. Their house and yard smelled like a stable.

I am an animal lover but I had a hard time loving those Great Danes. But the owners loved them like they were their kids.
Don't you need a front end loader for the Great Dane crap excavation in NYC?
Oh jeez. I use to have some friends who had two of them. It was ridiculous. They drool (and they drool big). They are too big for most human surroundings. Their house and yard smelled like a stable.

I am an animal lover but I had a hard time loving those Great Danes. But the owners loved them like they were their kids.

I think if you give the dog regular baths they are going to smell like clean dogs. If I have a Great Dane it will be an "inside dog". Of course, I think all dogs should be kept primarily as "inside pets". Having a Great Dane is like having another person in the house in terms of size. But it's just a big, goofy person who likes to sleep all day and snuggle with you.
I am more of a cat person but I like dogs a lot. I don't really have a favorite breed but I do like saying "wiener dog" very much.
Do you like weiner dogs with sores on them?
I have seen goats smaller than that grey dog. How do you let a beast like that in the house?
my neighbor has a pet goat...
I want to Bar-B-Que the bastard
I have seen goats smaller than that grey dog. How do you let a beast like that in the house?

You'd probably be shocked by their demeanor. Great Danes like to lay on the couch and sleep like 18 hours a day. They're awesome.
mine is pavyracer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!