What are you listening to?

The music and the voice of the Justin is phenomenal !! Every single song is memorable & unique. I can't stop playing it. If you forgot how good this American singer could be, pick this up.
this one

This one reminds me of so many places, faces

Miss my brothers

Entropy it, it had to be

this thought I often think in the back of my throat and mind

I think I might have played guitar or blues over this once in 3 times back in the day maybe a coffee joint yeah I remember that coffee joint

wish I could sing though

and so it goes..............

and it will too.

I say it's good. I always will. That's How I am MADE :stevie:

And it will always be good.
Just watched this from start to finish on HBO Canada

Rush - Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland

Five Ploms UP!

:betplom: :betplom: :betplom: :betplom: :betplom:
Very good dvd Plommer. You may want to check out Scorpions Live in 3D. A lot of old stuff they haven't played in years.

The next big thing out of LA

Stones with mick taylor, the slide, leads, the singing on this are incredible.

stones in the south of france with gram, bianca, great doc.

Some good grooves in here

Daft take note