what are you getting into this weekend???

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Angry Orchard tastes apple cider-ish.

My condolences, FW.
Orchard fan here. Great stuff. Like Red's too but I think with Orchard we tried it first so others just get compared to it.
I like Woodchuck but its the least ciderish-tasting.
My weekend will be watching sports and possibly tending bar tomorrow night.
Maybe go to the pool and get sun. Haven't done that in forever. Their are lots of cute hard bodies by the pool. A lot of hardo douchecanoes as well. I do get a bit intimidated, but it's time I suck it up and show these girls the albino baby elbow.
.I am at my cabin this weekend. I am going to see the band my brother is in. They are playing in a tiny tavern in the stix. Wilno, Ont which apparently has a bunch of old hippy draft dodgers...should be interesting but I am .DD so there is that. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Alright fuckers we made it. Short of a rotting amputated arm this week felt like Reqium for a Dream and I didn't even get to see some ATA.

You fuckers who earned it, congratulations and have a good weekend.

You fuckers who don't have to earn it congratulations, go fuck yourselves and have a good weekend.

My birthday is this weekend. Let the festivities begin! I hope my mom sings happy birthday to me. I like that.

I miss getting cakes with candles. I like blowing out the candles.
Cami birthday chattin w mummers in France since about 10. Sure how fucking awesome I am has been the topic of conversation the entire time.
Thanks Blitty!

Talked with my mom for a good 2.5 hours. I love when we get to talk on the phone, if it weren't for the time difference, I bet we'd still be talking! Great way to start my morning! I even made Bacon breakfast while I talked! Now I make my cold calls and then we get to start celebrating! That's right, I'm starting NOW!
p.s. Bacon did come up a few times while we were talking.
It's not the first time people have talked for hours about my huge awesome balls and it won't be the last.
Angry Orchard tastes apple cider-ish.

its a hit around here, but i dont care for it... plus, i dunno how bars in my town get away with selling it at around $6 a bottle :dunno:
I like the ginger one. it is yummy.
$6/bottle is outrageous. fok that noise.
This is Bacon in the mornings:
lol same scene same time


all cosmic and shit
What's everyone got planned for this weekend?!

Same shit as usual round here.