Week 2 American Idle pickin contest: Make your selections here.

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Feb 4, 2010
Week 2 folks, so we are really just getting started. Last week, nobody had their staying forever picks tossed off the show, so if you participated last week, you will have a chance at 2900 points this week just like last week. If you didn't participate last week, you still have a chance to catch up, the winner from last week only got 65% of the points, and this week, due to the rules, if you're new you can still pick up a total of 2700 points.

So for returning players, all you need is the 2 douche bag dudes who are getting the boot.


The 2 skank bitches who are also getting the boot.

If you would like, you can also change your longevity selections as always at anytime, but if not, you don't have to do shit, they will still be in play.

Good Luck, and hopefully you can pick more losers as a whole than last week.

Didi Benami
Haeley Vaughn

John Park
Todrick Hall
My picks to go home:

Guys going home:
John Park & Jermaine Sellers

Girls going home:

Lacey Brown & Haeley Vaughn

To win:
Siobhan Magnus & Katie Stevens
I'm gonna change both my winning picks as well.

Siobhan Magnus and Lilly Scott. Thanks player.
I don't want to forget later so I'll pick now.

There is a benefit to not changing my "to the end" picks, right? Better to keep them? or maybe not because the dynamic duo both changed theirs.

two guys to get boot: John Park, Jermaine Sellers

two girls to get same: Haeley Vaughn, Lacey Brown
Toderick Hall
Jermaine Sellers

Lacey Brown
Didi Benami

Lee Dewyze
Crystal Bowersox
since everyone is changing I guess there's no downside to changing so I'll also change

my picks to go all the way:

Crystal Bowersox
Lee Dwyze
I thought I read in the rules that if we changed our picks to move on, we lost the bonus points for consecutive weeks. I need a clarification before I would risk changing my picks.
This is true, if you change your picks you lose your multiplier effect for those picks. Now that said if your gonna change your picks this is the week to do it. The first week they were worth 100 points x 1 week, this week, if you don't change a thing they are worth 100 points x 2 weeks, if you do change, they are worth 100 points x 1 week. A closer look at the spread sheet will indicate how many weeks you have for each contestant.
My picks to go home:

Guys going home:
John Park & Jermaine Sellers

Girls going home:

Lacey Brown & Haeley Vaughn

To win:
Siobhan Magnus & Katie Stevens

You don't have to remind me about katie stevens, but I guess it doesn't hurt.
Since I loved my picks from last week, I will again use the same 3 that did not go home. The only new one on my list is Didi. She replaces the one answer I got right from last week.

Men to go
Jermaine Sellers
John Park

Women to go
Lacey Brown
DiDi Benami

I will also keep my two finalists the same. Thanks
ok I decided to go with the changed picks after considering losing the multiplier. Thanks Rage.

Crystal and Lee the picks, changed from Andrew Garcia and Casey James.
Hey Bread remember how terrible you did last week? You must be in like last place or something. Think you can actually pick someone going home this time?

:moped: :copcar:
Well I went 1-1 on the guys. Up yours Hoffy Hoffstofferson!!!

Oh you're 0-1. lol.
Damn both of my girl picks were safe but were part of the final two decisions. :duh:
Just looked at who you guys picked.

Props to Enigma & Robyn for picking 3 correct tonight :cheers:
Me superpro!