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The WWIII Thread

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Must be. I don't understand what Putin/Russia wants? If he wanted to rule the land known as the Ukraine couldnt he just influence them politically and economically and get them to "agree" to be Russian or pseudo-Russian?

Me thinks he's tried that and Ukraine is choosing to move farther away so he needs to take them by force as a show to other would be influenced nations that he can. Essentially this is just dick waggling by a guy who everyone knows has a shrinking political and economic dick.
I thought Putin was getting ready to retire? didn't he have Michael J Fox disease?

It's clear Putin just hates Nazis and wants to destroy all those nasty Ukranian Nazis once and for all.

prob nothing to do with the abundance of natural resources in the Ukraine
Donbass region is being evacuated (women and children) as the US backed puppet Ukrainian Nazis are shelling the area and appear to be intent on capturing region by force. ...As I have said is likely to happen, in previous pages.

I'm sure in the US narrative that is gonna be called Russia invading Ukraine. If that's what you mean.
Will Russia get involved militarily this time to put a stop to it? :dunno:
I'm sure the Western "partners" like nothing better than to see Russians killing each other. :thinking: Somehow I have a feeling it might not work out how they plan, this time
Seems the answer is YES.
8 years too late. Don't know if the Kiev govt. had or has control of the Nazi/Nationalist forces bombarding Donetsk for 8 years, but that is the primary reason.
I don't quite understand why, if these fucks, didn't want a war, they moved to take Donetsk? Must be part of somekind of master plan by the Western partners :thinking:
I thought Putin was getting ready to retire? didn't he have Michael J Fox disease?

It's clear Putin just hates Nazis and wants to destroy all those nasty Ukranian Nazis once and for all.

prob nothing to do with the abundance of natural resources in the Ukraine
Normal Ukrainians welcome liberation from Nazi junta. Hopefully people from both sides of border can now reunite with family go back to living in peace.

"Ok, after years of warnings were ignored and hearing "Garry, you were right!" all damn day today, I'll repeat what I said in 2014: Stop telling me I was right and listen to what I'm saying now. My recommendations follow: 1/5"

"-Support Ukraine militarily, immediately, everything but boots on the ground. All weapons, intel, cyber. -Bankrupt Putin's war machine. Freeze & seize Russia's finances & those of him and his gang. -Kick Russia out of every intl & financial institution. PACE, Interpol, etc 2/5"

"-Recall all ambassadors from Russia. There is no point in talking. The new unified message is "stop or be isolated completely". -Ban all elements of Putin's global propaganda machine. Turn them off, shut them down, send them home. Stop helping the dictator spread lies & hate. 3/5"

"-Expose and act against Putin's lackeys in the free world. If Schröder and his ilk continue to work for Putin, bring charges. Ask the owners & advertisers of networks platforming Putin propagandists like Carlson why they allow it. 4/5"

"-Replace Russian oil & gas. Pressure OPEC, increase production, reopen Keystone. You can't save the planet if you don't save the people on it. -Acknowledge there will be costs, sacrifices. We waited to long, the price is high, but it will only get higher. It's time to fight. 5/5"

Garry not messing around
In the third presidential debate between the two candidates in October 2012, Obama went directly after Romney for that remark. "When you were asked, 'What's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America,' you said 'Russia.' Not al Qaeda; you said Russia," Obama said. "And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War's been over for 20 years.
