so i'm officially single.

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I'm one of the good ones.
WOW FUCK YOU ALL. Yeah I put on a few pounds - most of you are fucked up fatties. Fuck you all.

I am in personal training and weight watchers. Ca you say the same?!?!!?!??!? FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKERS I AM DONE
I just got my wedding pictures, my double chin is out of control. :fok:
I just got my wedding pictures, my double chin is out of control. :fok:
Just wait until Gene Lewis is ten. You may have a triple chin.
I took it he was saying he does not have a personal trainer and is not in Weight Watchers.
Been eating a lot of organic veggies delivered weekly by a local hippie.

Still fat.

Fuck you, mother fuckers.
Been eating a lot of organic veggies delivered weekly by a local hippie.

Still fat.

Fuck you, mother fuckers.

Been eating hamburgers, chicken wings, pizza, hot dogs and pasta, sometimes from a can.

Still fat.

Fuck you all, motherfuckers!
:rolling: thread is getting good
stuffing your face full of chef boy r dee(?) might be going overboard however
I was told two days ago that I'm looking plump. Put me in the fatty club.
Through the course of a conversation last night, I happened to look up a bunch of average heights and weights from around the world.

Average Canadian male is 5'9", 177 pounds.

Average Canadian female is 5'4", 153 pounds.

Americans are - there is really no other word for it - atrocious. I know they have a reputation for being fat but even I underestimated. Same average heights but weights are 195 and 165.

As of weigh-in this morning I am 5'11", 168.

I would be a below average height Dutch person. They tall. 6 foot on average.

Some data for you there.
I'm an atrocious average American, currently.

Been eating horrible and not working out since recent travels.
Who wants to be average?

I'm guessing muddy's GF's are all size 2-4.
Find it hard to believe that there is only a 24 pound difference between the average Canadian male and female. 177 seems low and 153 seems high.

I have 110 pounds on the wife.

That's right, I'm nearly two wives.
I would be a gigantic Vietnamese person. Average height, weight for Viet men is listed as 5'4", 117 lbs.
6'-0" 188 pounds.


If I shaved off dessert at night I could maintain 185 but......

NOT GON DO IT :clapper:

I enjoy it too much.