Saw a sexy "buck toothed" woman today!

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Yes, she was unretarded I couldn't believe it. I took a triple take to make sure. There must have been something wrong with her, like a mutilated 'giner or something.
Blittster, no need to explain, I hear ya loud and clear pal. I often do double takes when I see a Canadian that isn't retarded or sick with the syndrome. "Normal" Canadians are rare birds indeed.
Plommer, did she have a Anna Malle (porn actress) type of overbite? That would be kind of hot.
How big was the overbite? Gina Gershon?


Georgia Jagger?

Gina hell yeah.

The Georgia chick isn't very attractive and not only is there the slight overbite but gap toothed as well.
Plommer proves his worth around here over and over.
There are lots of jolie-laide people in the world. I like them.

And I break 100 posts too! Luckily it is act opposite of Razor day so I will bid you gamelive fellows adieu with a small peep of a post. I have enjoyed my time here and only see good things happening for the forum going forward as long as you merry band of rascals keep it going. Remember - Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Bye bye, sir!
Good bye mrmarket. 100 wonderful posts. :clap:
And I break 100 posts too! Luckily it is act opposite of Razor day so I will bid you gamelive fellows adieu with a small peep of a post. I have enjoyed my time here and only see good things happening for the forum going forward as long as you merry band of rascals keep it going. Remember - Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;[/QUOTE]

wait what?
mrmarket sure liked to pepper his posts with gallicisms.

RIP m'sieurmarch, we hardly knew toi
what is a gallicism?

I don't want to have to go to google
noun, often capitalized \ˈga-lə-ˌsi-zəm\
Definition of GALLICISM
: a characteristic French idiom or expression appearing in another language
: a French trait

thanks bread...

bread you wanna drink with me?
No drinking for me until Saturday when we to to Taboo at The Castle. You'll have to hold it down without me until then.
mrmarket may have been part of the Qubcois Separatist Movement. :excl: