Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Obviously that last post did not pertain to Baby Durito, Baby King Cobra, Baby Mudcat Neice or Baby McBaseballs.



Speaking of the baby you conveniently ignored, I gave him his first haircut tonight. Three snips from his bangs. Bawled my eyes out.

My random thought today: Sometimes I like to be contrary just for the sake of it, about topics I could give a rat's about.

Not so random thought: I'm grateful for my parents' good genes and great skin products. If I looked at 39 as old as a certain dumb cunt online dater does, I wouldn't be too happy. That chick has 3 years on me and she looks like she has at least 10.

love you, miss you all xo
Who are you talking about, Oksie?

Oksie I love your son. I really do. But we have never referred to any of the pre-existing children here as Gamelive babies. Just the ones that have come along since the inception of Gamelive.

Oksie come here and sit on my lap. Tell Johnny what's going on.
Who are you talking about, Oksie?

Oksie I love your son. I really do. But we have never referred to any of the pre-existing children here as Gamelive babies. Just the ones that have come along since the inception of Gamelive.

Oksie come here and sit on my lap. Tell Johnny what's going on.

Ok fair enough. We'll give him the Roger Maris when referring to the babies here. OK????

And really I'm fine, but thank you for asking :) This whole hair cutting bizness shook me up a bit. It's damn hard to try to use scissors near a squirmy kid's head, try to take a video and not leave him looking like a dweeb after, by yourself. Just kind of felt old and alone. And then the f'n hair? Like I know people save a little piece but I didn't really prepare for that part so now it's sitting in one of the little bags that's supposed to be used for dirty nappies. Probably just PMS'ing. AGAIN.

And yeah Reno, I was talking about her. I'm not one to get really snarky about other women's looks but she pissed me off. Maybe just because it was directed at Plommy but seriously, she needs a reality check. But reading that thread confirmed to me that I'm not cut out for that online dating stuff. I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection from complete strangers. Which kind of doesn't make sense because they don't even know you so who cares what they think. But I'd probably still be a bit hurt. Being online gives people the freedom to be as socially uncouth as possible, where face to face they might be more prone to soften the blow. I prefer that.
Oksie I want you to find a nice man who will love you and your boy. This is my Christmas wish.

I wish it were mine fivey. I think that's part of the problem. If I could have one swoop in for moments like that, or to try to stifle giggles with when he's done something naughty or to just play human jungle gym with him for 5 minutes so I can shower in peace, but then disappear... I'd be happy. But those guys don't exist in my world. They all want to play ready made dad. Not happening.
You don't want your kid to have a father figure?

He already has a father. Whom I'll never shake no matter how hard I try. Which yes, is a good thing I know, no matter how much it selfishly screws up the logistics of my life. But no - I don't want the next serious relationship I have with a guy to have any aspect of a father figure role to it. A buddy is ok. He doesn't need another dad.
200 pages later......this.


I don't think that's possible. But GL (sincerely).

I honestly don't understand how this is a big deal. Every guy I know says their one worry about dating single mums is that they don't want to parent someone else's kid. I'm saying: There's no hope in hell you'll parent mine, I don't want you to parent mine, and if you even attempt to parent mine I'll hoof you out the door. So where's the flaw in logic here?
I honestly don't understand how this is a big deal. Every guy I know says their one worry about dating single mums is that they don't want to parent someone else's kid. I'm saying: There's no hope in hell you'll parent mine, I don't want you to parent mine, and if you even attempt to parent mine I'll hoof you out the door. So where's the flaw in logic here?

So......here I go making friends again. Basically, you want a guy who will take not only your shit but your kids too! Good luck with that one.