Random thoughts

Here's the close-up...


How do you get that hurt playing basketball?


It looks like he stepped on an IED.
I read that some doctors think he probably already had a stress fracture, and that's why it broke so easily.
Speaking of super weird, I have not given up on Weird Al Yankovic someday doing the Super Bowl halftime show.

Here's a super weird pic of him:

You're Doing It Right, Vol. 1

You're Doing It Right, Vol. 2

:lmao: I heart that turtle!

I have come to learn that there simply is no way around my 3 o'clock feeling. You know, where you get really sleepy all of a sudden?
Been that way since high school, doesn't matter what I do or don't do, that's just how it is. You just trudge through it and by 4 or 5 pm I get another burst of energy that will carry though till 11pm or later.
I need a new reliable film critic.

RIP Mr. Ebert

There is a man living in Japan who was born in 1897.

:lmao: I heart that turtle!

I have come to learn that there simply is no way around my 3 o'clock feeling. You know, where you get really sleepy all of a sudden?
Been that way since high school, doesn't matter what I do or don't do, that's just how it is. You just trudge through it and by 4 or 5 pm I get another burst of energy that will carry though till 11pm or later.

They call it a siesta and very few countries seem to have figured it out :(
They call it a siesta and very few countries seem to have figured it out :(

hah! I should be so lucky! Lord knows I could use a power nap every now and again!
There is a man living in Japan who was born in 1897.


The amount of stuff that's happened during his lifetime is astounding.

Guy was 81 when I was born. 73 when the Beatles split up. He became major during WWI. :lmao:

Think he can still rub one off?
The guy retired in 1962, 51 years ago, after working 45 years at the same place.

He retired 10 years before I was born

