Random thoughts

Cant you just tell them you're home schooling him or something Senco?

shit no!!!
all kinds of laws w/ that , not possible for a working parent
had a friend look into it couple yrs ago.
Handkerchiefs - now that could be a whole big topic. I used to incorporate them into my life - I didn't see anything weird about it - but some girlfriend at some point was suddenly like, "You use a handkerchief wtf?"

And I was like, "Well what the fuck, wtf?"

But I am very insecure about my grasp on social norms and I recall that someone else corroborated the idea that I was being gross by using hankies so I phased out handkerchiefs and I no longer have any. It has not been long however. Maybe a couple years since the last threadbare hankie was disposed of.

But I really don't know what the fuck.

What are you saying, "Don't think so," to, man?

Are you rejecting hankies? Or are you rejecting the rejection of hankies?

Or wut?
I use hankies forum profuse sweating
Using the endless supply of paper towels at work to blow my nose with. With impunity.

lololol, that bird is all like "fok this shit, I wasn't really hungry anyway"


"i can't use them chopsticks to save my life, anyone have a fork?"
Just got my football pool monies. :cripwalk:
Doin' It Wrong, Vol. 8

I liked the part where the umpire had to tell her where the ball went.
Yes. We be the commish. Stevie and Blitty are in it too.

Blitty felt obliged to hooligan it up during the draft, insinuating that Carey Price is not to be trusted cause he's a closet cokehead.


Doin' It Wrong, Vol. 9
