Random thoughts

I think I'm also wearing sunglasses now at 1234 in the mornibg.

.someone stole a bicycle tire lately and if anyone tries that shit again.


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Dammit I can't pull the string on the big trip yet. Have to detox completely first like coach and the one stripper said. It hit me on the way back from the 3 hour trip while handling traffic the other night and it was awful. It has to be that way and I cannot do that trip like that. Fuck me.
You know in retrospect if Machu, IAG, my favorite stripper, my dad my brother and my best friend told me to dry off I probably should have already. Maybe if I was sober I wouldn't have put 7 units on Walsh/Ross to win the match they lost then beat the same fucking team the next match then steamed off 3 more units playing tilty cards.



Fuck y'all. Right motherfuckers. Damn you.
So I walk in the convenience store the other night trashed and some people were there all fucked up all cracking up "you are fucked up". I say to the one girl "I'm fucked up" and she says to her dude "he said he fucked up" and the whole thing turns into "this is fucked up that is fucked up". The cashier was pretty speechless.
I think I'm going back to the strip tomorrow night and seeing if I can get two girls to make out with each other in the back room and then destroy me.
Alright we adulted today. Got a dining room table, some chairs and a guitar stool. Things got a little fucking crazy but I guess they always do anymore. It's almost a filled out sweet little pad with a great view, check it out.


I've decided furniture is favorable.
I came by to meet my buddy at the bar he works at. It's all t I put shelf beer. I've decided to close it down. Weeeeeeee.
I have to make this trip and I almost can;t explain. How did it get this big, how?How?

Or I don't know I can Always do whatever.

I'll make it, that's my Kids.

Voices get confusing sometimes. And it's weird.

My boy just stopped by it was cool.

Heard some spanish people speaking so screamed "Que Onde Guero!" twice.

No idea why.

Man that was a SOLID bender yesterday. I had one so far and will still do it but less. Got to hold the door for an incredible blonde today. I know I have no shot at that and she's probable actually only half my age but it was very cordial and cool. What a nice person. I think they're starting to get that I'm a little nuts and when the mania hits I will get smashed and sit outside making sure no douchebags steal anymore fucking bicycle tires. All the coolios around here are treating me with respect and I really appreciate it.

My boy texts me that he had some stuff for me from when I was there. And that I'm gonna need my car . Had to go dry for that. The stuff. A great vest. Vacuum cleaner. Sound system (heavy as fuck but we got there - my boy had to remind me that those stairs are also a free gym, good point duder). Bike, lock.He got talked into buying a bike that's too tall for him. It's perfect for me. Woohoo. I want to meet the salesman who pulled that whit off and pull a very nasty bait and switch on his ass. You don't fuckin rip off my boy. But I gained so it's cool I won't. Plus my boy knows what I'd do to him so he'll never tell me who or where he is. Good call. The kids smiled at me I smiled back. They're so damn funny. The wife did not kick me in the nuts she said hello. That means the world. Not sure if I'll ever see the cleaners again but they know I'm sorry. Took some plastic out of a garden. Found a nice pair of shears. Saw signs for missing cats. Took pictures of all of them. Got your backs guys. Started feeling dehydrated so asked some coolios where the convenience store because holy fuck, needed water. Some coolio bring me into his house and hands me a nice cold water. I told him that's better than alright and we shook hands. Got your backs too, coolios.

Had to run around town a little bit. Post office. Rent got more complicated than it needed to be because of lushy ushy. Stamps. Envelopes. The post office was cool. I was tense about that who situation for a few reasons and when that happens I go into fairly local mode and my head moves really fast. So when I'm walkingking on the cool street a 3rd time because I'm and idiot and couldn't figure the fucking stamps I think a place looks cool for me and whoever to chill at sometimes so in my shades5 my head whips to the shades (we were on a 2nd pair at this point) some incredible looking bartender's head whips right up glaring. No idea of she was scared or interested.

Still talking to that crazy fuck from last night.She is so fucking hard, wtf. It's nice but she doesn't own me nor do I her.

Alright so we have all the stuff now.


I've decided to finish editing my posts before I post them.

Parking ticket second notice. Oops, thanks for reminding me guys.

Got run over by a trampoline being driven by santa clause. Why'd you change up your look man? That's unfair.

Fucked up.
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Housework to do before this one gets off work and starts with the mental warfare. I think I'm going to tell the local hotties (and again if you have a dude I'm not a threat, only did that in Cami's case "he" was a total douche, cheating on her among other fucking pathetic "issues" (BIG COUGH) and it was time for him (it) to go.

Then I have to go fuck Blitty's Mom and see if I can get her to pop one out. We'll have so much fun at the picnics.

Clearance sales are awesome. Went in for a portable fan and came back with, for myself and in case anyone wants to hang out:

A portable fan
Two portable fancs that spray water
Big mug with a handle, looks like a beer can and says Anchors Away. It goes in the fridge and keeps things cold
Two Sip it or Chig it mugs, they keep things cold
Two magnetic beverage stakes, they keeps things cold
A knick knack pack

All for 75% off.

The hottie at the register laughed at something I said then when I followed it up with just kidding she laughed even harder.

Great place, love you guys.

Then next door to the other place to get oil. My baby Nissan has fought so hard so we need oil to see exactly what's going on with her. Dude instantly hands me a filter with the oil. I didn't think of that and that's the shit I love. Took a bumper for their place. Yeah I'll throw that on my car.

This is all gearing up for my date with Blitty's Mom. Why does she insist on going to the strip club and hour before it closes? You're crazy girl. But fine, that works.


You didn't follow. That his and hers everything for here and wherever we go its hot.

So seriously though I got it all, a stress ball and a notebook for real life tasks all for like $30. So that's 4 Notebooks. One for real life. One for Music. One for comedy then a little one for comedy too, you can do it over the phone but if it's dead or whatever you gotta land that stuff when it hits you. That's what the pros do then they mix it all up.

Matty how's your wife? Wait, nevermind. She's right here and I don't know, something might be wrong with her. She won't stop ear to ear smilinig.
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Stress ball was a great idea. Spiking that thing around the house like Steffes. JWil started with a smaller ball. You get the hang of that, the big ones are cake, in Matty's wife's mouth.