Mudcat's Wheelhouse

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Georgia State Bird: Brown Thrasher

man they should've used that logo for the team.
I've noticed that little people and clinically over sized people tend to die at an early age. A little research confirms that sure enough it's a thing.

I reckon it's nice to be average in stature.
It's all like jump and spin and twist and flip. Who can judge that? Seems like guessing to me. Doesn't really seem like a sport. Just like figure skating. Gymnastics and figure skating. Same thing I say.
it was dumb to have rugby at the olympics
It sucked though when you would get a stegosaurus and a triceratops clomping around when you were trying to concentrate on building a fire.

You dinosaurs get off my lawn!


Mad decent word right there.
Why has that come up? I used to spell that word superfast when I was kid hundreds of years ago. Who knows my idiot kid reason? - just one of those things - like a parlor trick. Spell the long word really fast. 28 letters I believe. I'm not going to check but I bet that's right. I did it a lot of times and got to have a relationship with that word.

I can still do it. By rote. Spell that word in like 3 seconds. If I haven't lost it by now I will probably die with the ability.

So much junk up in this old brain of mine
This truly is a wonderful time to be alive, boys.

32 lbs of pussy and ass lol
Guy seems so jaded. Imagine the type of calls their customer service people must get.
Just remember kids, when flushing it out, when you put the water in one hole, the water and debris will come out the other.
