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Going to get caught up on Your Honor when I chill a little. The Mother thing has been very stressful.

Just been filled with so much anger about everything and not able to sleep. It's like honestly do you accept God? I don't know. I don't know it's not personal, but I just don't know.

That's deep and morbid as fuck, I know - but you guys know I keep it real, so....

Real shit.

Fucked up shit.

Need sleep and thought.

You guys have a good night.
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Katherine Heigl and Ashley Judd are the same person :handshake:
My prediction, regarding Your Honor, is that the quiet little black brother is going to do something major before it's all over. Not just some little gesture - a BIG difference maker.


Self-congratulation aside, the finale of Your Honor was a complete fucking mess. Weird holes, gaps, loose ends. Things hinging on people doing things there's no way they would do - and not saying really, really obvious things that would have made a difference - and there's no way they wouldn't have said them.

It's too bad. During the run of the series, there was some tightness and cleverness in there.

The ending was like a bunch of spilled soup.
Iron Sheik documentary


spoiler: he likes his crack cocaine

and coined the term jabroni
I watched Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar. I'm not recommending it or anything. It took a lot of wild swings. Some of them were good for a laugh but a lot ---> not so much.

I just want to say though that it had probably the greatest culottes-based gag I ever expect to see in my life.


watched this with my son last night

wife was on her phone, lol

good times
The pilot of Mad Men was shot low budget baller...... here’s how they shot the train scene....