Last Man Standing - WEEK ONE

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Pot so far is $750.

Bread 75
Robyn 25
Muddy 50
CB 25
rjt 50
Wally 25
Pico 50
Durito 50
Pavy 25
Blitty 25
Fischy 50
Fischy for Robyn 25
Teela 25
mmike 50
Swarmy 50
RageWizard 25
MrMonkey 50
Mr X 50

Not too late to get in. Must have your fee by Thursday's kickoff.

Post your play in this thread. If you are playing multiple sheets, please differentiate which play is for sheet 1 and which is for sheet 2. No spread, just a straight-up winner.

If your team wins (no tie) you stay alive for Week Two. Cannot pick the same team twice all year.

Must post your play before the actual game's listed start time. NO EXCEPTIONS. No editing plays. (Juror can you make this thread non-editable?)
I Pick the VIKINGS in week one. Don't even care who they are playing I don't even know. I pick the VIKINGS week one.

Sorry fivey, you lost. :xpansive:
Too many drunkards at gamelive, I tell ya.
These things looked pretty good, and some that I can learn, and I hope to learn more on it!