Is Having Kids Selfish?

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Faller, leave Patty alone.



hey easy tehre daft I was gonna offer him a sweet bonus of 45% a deposit I make, but now I don't feel so welcome.

And as for the argument of it being selfish because the world is over populated....that is bound to happen sooner or later.

Is that the "Mommy, but everyone's doing it!" excuse? :clueless:

No I do not think all people are cut out to be parents, and there a quite a few I don't think should ever be allowed to reproduce, but that is not my choice. So, just because other people had too many kids, just because other people are fuck ups, that means the rest shouldn't have our own family? That's just ignorant. I could see an issue if someone were having like 5+ kids, but to say a couple that loves each other and wants to start their own family shouldn't even have just one because the rest of the world fucked up....yeah, NO.

Yeah. Couples that love each other. Meh. Forgive me for my cynicism when marriages last as long as tampons and it's a complete and absolute struggle to raise those children properly if at all - another likely product of selfishness.
Is that the "Mommy, but everyone's doing it!" excuse? :clueless:

Yeah. Couples that love each other. Meh. Forgive me for my cynicism when marriages last as long as tampons and it's a complete and absolute struggle to raise those children properly if at all - another likely product of selfishness.

Cami your better than ignorance based responses girl...

Cami, whats your solution to over population (not forgetting that you'd tell your kids that we are all created equal)??
I'd like to see limits on #of children people can have. But I don't think there is an overpopulation problem in general.
I'd like to see limits on #of children people can have. But I don't think there is an overpopulation problem in general.

like china
yeah, I don't know what their rules are, but sounds good. These tards don't need to be having seven kids.

Mostly I'd like there to be less riff raff in my apartments swimming pool. Is that too much to ask?
Reno, take law into your own hands and poison the kids.

Mother Russia will be proud.

I'd like to see limits on #of children people can have.

I totally agree.

But this other nonsense about the selfishness of having children is just miserable people spreading misery.

Yup. :pope:
yeah, I don't know what their rules are, but sounds good. These tards don't need to be having seven kids.

one child per couple, if more than one child then the kid doesnt get register in the internal passport

in china you need a passport within the country to do basically everything, at a young age that kid wouldnt be able to go to elementary school or get health benefits for example, when older no work permit, rent, bank, driver license etc

if you're rich enough it's no problem but for most it's a struggle enough to deter 99% of the population from having more than one child
Don't see where selfish comes into play, but if you have them, don't weasel out of your responsibility as a parent! And yes, there has to be limits IMO!

Cami your better than ignorance based responses girl...

Cami, whats your solution to over population (not forgetting that you'd tell your kids that we are all created equal)??

Certainly not an ignorant response, but seeing as how there are no limitations on people, it's gonna happen.

As for a solution, I think that women and men should be required by law to be on and use birth control until either a certain age or married. I also think that when a woman, or a couple decide they are ready to have children, they should have to pass a series of tests, drug test and mental health and maybe even IQ included and should be required to take parenting classes. I think that their should be a maximum limit on how many children a couple can have, it should also be partly based on income, obviously the more wealthy can afford more children.

I don't think this will ever happen, but that's just what I would do to control population and what not.
I totally agree.

But this other nonsense about the selfishness of having children is just miserable people spreading misery.

Yup. :pope:

Double yup.
If you are determined to be perverse you could argue that it is cruel, but selfish doesn't make any sense at all.
I'd like to see limits on #of children people can have. But I don't think there is an overpopulation problem in general.

in my fascist dream state i would like to see prospective parents have to take tests - verify income - meet all sorts of parameters before becoming parents. however - can't happen
I totally agree.

But this other nonsense about the selfishness of having children is just miserable people spreading misery.

Yup. :pope:

When you want something for yourself, it's selfish. Of course, you have children and your marriage lasted as long as a tampon...

But you're not selfish. :wacko:
If you are determined to be perverse you could argue that it is cruel, but selfish doesn't make any sense at all.

Well, there's the fact that nobody else really gives a shit about that person's kid (if the parent even does)...