I want nigga lips

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Jan 27, 2010
Taking the plunge for my first cosmetic enhancement. Collagen injections. The lack of plump lips is what prevents me from scoring the bevy of hot blondes that Tiger does. Some might say it's fame and fortune. I disagree. It's the lips. When I go for the consultation and am asked to be specific about my wants, I will simply say, "just like Tiger".


Pal, you on drugs?
This thread came out of left field.

Still funny though.
You will look weird being a bald white guy but if you like the look go for it!
I want Mexican lips like Pavy.
I wear a Tiger Woods hat.


Plommer, not at all. It's where it's at!
hawky what's really going on here???

Do you have bird lips like me?
Bread, you've seen my pics.

I have a thin upper lip, or stiff upper lip as the British like to say.

Bird-like? Never thought of it that way. Thanks!
Back when I was chasing Robyn some dick who was after the same booty made fun of me for having bird lips.

That shit hurt man. I never realized it but I have bird lips.

Birds have lips? Since when?
Birds have lips? Since when?
Pavlos = the voice of reason.

Bread does alot of hallucinogens, it has affected his brain negatively, bird lips?
Common, pal.
I want a nigga bitch
Taking the plunge for my first cosmetic enhancement. Collagen injections. The lack of plump lips is what prevents me from scoring the bevy of hot blondes that Tiger does. Some might say it's fame and fortune. I disagree. It's the lips. When I go for the consultation and am asked to be specific about my wants, I will simply say, "just like Tiger".


This is the post where the wheels started coming off for The Hawkster.
This is the post where the wheels started coming off for The Hawkster.

Did he post the nude pics of his sister before or after this thread?