I really like Blitty

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loving that avatar SoV

very suave
That's the avatar of LulzSec, anonymous hackers who took down NI and the S*n's website yesterday
Ah cool. Did you watch the hearing? It was on at like midnight here and I was fighting so hard to stay awake. Finally when I was ready to give up, boom Wendy went all ninja on that guy. Half the people on my phone list must've been watching too because the mass texts started to come through. Best thing that could've happened to the old guy. Now he's got some sympathy on his side.
He's stupendous.

Even though Blitty deleted me from Facebook because I did not share my life story on there, I still like him.
Ah cool. Did you watch the hearing? It was on at like midnight here and I was fighting so hard to stay awake. Finally when I was ready to give up, boom Wendy went all ninja on that guy. Half the people on my phone list must've been watching too because the mass texts started to come through. Best thing that could've happened to the old guy. Now he's got some sympathy on his side.

PSC was a load of pish. The cunt got let off. Looking forward to the Crown court trial and the police investigations. And also waiting on the details Lulzsec and Anonymous have to publish.

Really hope Murdoch or his spawns get charged.
Yeah the police investigations are going to be interesting. I hadn't thought about it until I saw a thing on tv today but once all of the details come out, the implications are going to have been so far-reaching that many people are going to have to fry for this. Not sure Murdoch himself will though.

A woman who was Elle MacPherson's business partner was on a morning show today talking about how when secret stuff about Elle started to appear in the tabloids, Elle blamed it on this woman and severed their business relationship costing her a massive amount of money in salary and royalties from her clothing line. And the woman had difficulty getting her career back on track because she became known as untrustworthy. I can imagine there will be quite a few stories like that where people start suing for damages from someone.
Even though Blitty deleted me from Facebook because I did not share my life story on there, I still like him.

deleting people from facebook is sooooo immature
i dont think ive ever deleted anyone from facebook --- actually i might have deleted shanty
i dont think ive ever deleted anyone from facebook --- actually i might have deleted shanty

ah, now Bread, Loshak, and Rogue will be DELETING YOU for making that statement
Yeah the police investigations are going to be interesting. I hadn't thought about it until I saw a thing on tv today but once all of the details come out, the implications are going to have been so far-reaching that many people are going to have to fry for this. Not sure Murdoch himself will though.

A woman who was Elle MacPherson's business partner was on a morning show today talking about how when secret stuff about Elle started to appear in the tabloids, Elle blamed it on this woman and severed their business relationship costing her a massive amount of money in salary and royalties from her clothing line. And the woman had difficulty getting her career back on track because she became known as untrustworthy. I can imagine there will be quite a few stories like that where people start suing for damages from someone.

I think Brooks might hold the key here. She might take Murdoch Jnr's name and that might set the ball rolling. They are already planning on replacing Murdoch as CEO so they are in a bit of shit. Plus, Brooks put her laptops in the trashcan near her house and her husband said she "forgot" them there :lmao:

They have quite a bit to hide so it should be fun. Also, investigations in the US as well which should be good as well. Just hoping Murdoch's empire takes a shit, and hopefully his heart too.
Blitty, Zeta's taking over NY

TAKE COVER :blittyindacity::assassin::willamena::car::tank:
Even though Blitty deleted me from Facebook because I did not share my life story on there, I still like him.

Nothing personal immo. After a discussion with matty, I decided that it was pointless to be fb friends with anyone using joke accounts that didn't include their real names, photos, or info.

I think RJ is the only one and he got grandfathered in and I don't want to get murdered.

I have a feeling you are joking because I don't recall any activity from your account. Hope you're doing well. :cheers:
Of course I was joking around. I only created this Facebook account to read Shantystar's messages so I don't care that you deleted me. I keep my personal information private so it would be pretty hypocritical of me to be angry that others did not share their information with me.
Nothing personal immo. After a discussion with matty, I decided that it was pointless to be fb friends with anyone using joke accounts that didn't include their real names, photos, or info.

That's a fair rule, everyone should follow it

Thread back alive
Matty, give me some life advice too please..........

IWIN!!!!!! yes.....

I'm realizing that more people lurk at gamelive. than we even know.....

I mean from my sbrchat ghosting I knew alot of sbr people lurked here without posting and or signing up....

but i'm finding alot of sportsprescription people lurk here too.....

a SP mod posted yesterday about checking out the site and liking a post about forum dynamics here....

RJ, you need to a guy like zeta to be a forum ambassador across all forums to make this place "famous"