How do I sign up for welfare?

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No I'm not. If you're able-bodied, have no mental illness, and hold a post-secondary degree, no welfare for you. (As it should be.)

Ok I may be neglecting some details. I believe they look at past income too.

I know someone who applied after 2+ years of unemployment and she was denied on the basis of her qualifications (and possibly past income.)
No I'm not. If you're able-bodied, have no mental illness, and hold a post-secondary degree, no welfare for you. (As it should be.)

You are very much incorrect, so much so that I would be willing to wager (but not willing to really take your money).

I know of 2 people with University degrees that have fallen on hard times and are collecting benefits from Ontario Works.


double post bullshit
It's different in Quebec then. I didn't realize that fell under provincial powers.

The purpose of the Social Assistance Program is to grant last-resort financial assistance to people with no or severely limited capacity for employment.

Cash resources
Your cash resources (liquid assets) are the sums you have in hand or in your bank account and the assets that you can readily convert into cash, such as term deposits or savings bonds. These resources are taken into account when determining your eligibility for last-resort financial assistance and calculating the benefit you will receive. If your liquid assets exceed the exemptions authorized by regulation, the financial assistance will be refused or reduced.

Since January 1, 2006, under certain conditions, you may be entitled to a new exemption which allows you to deposit certain amounts in a financial institution account for a specific project (individual savings plan).

To be eligible to apply for last-resort financial assistance and for the Social Assistance Program, you may not have more than the following amounts in cash at the time you apply:

Adults Dependent children Maximum allowed
1 0 $887
1 1 $1268
1 2 $15021
2 0 $1319
2 1 $1573
2 2 $18071
Spouse of student 0 $8872
A sheltered or detained adult, or a sheltered minor with a child 0 $887
Yeah well pfft.

Site doesn't explain the income requirement.

I'm not conceding before a Florida recount.

They are still counting the last election. It may take a while.
Cash resources?

Matty we aren't arguing about cash resources pal, we were arguing about ineligibility due to level of education, remember?

Plommer 1
Matty 0

Plommer and Matty were talking about different provinces. I maintain that a post-secondary education disqualifies you from "social assistance" payments in Quebec.

I don't have hard proof and I don't care.

Plommer DNF
Matty DNF

Cash resources?

Matty we aren't arguing about cash resources pal, we were arguing about ineligibility due to level of education, remember?

Plommer 1
Matty 0


Get em it for Canada!!!
Matty we find it difficult to believe that Quebec would make things more difficult for someone to obtain assistance in that province than any other.

Quebec by far has the most generous social programs in the country.
(Thanks to oil exports from Alberta and Saskatchewan).

It just has more programs, to keep hordes of people artificially employed.

That's how we spend all the oil money. We pay bums to sit behind a govt counter/desk.
jesus, you foks are giving me a damn headache.
Can I move to Canada?
Why not? We have no fence to keep filthy Americans out.

Minimum wage here is $10.25 an hour, so expect to live in poverty as an illegal.
It just has more programs, to keep hordes of people artificially employed.

That's how we spend all the oil money. We pay bums to sit behind a govt counter/desk.

I would propose the opposite. 80% of the business and workers are unnecessary, pay them to stay home. Or do some worthwhile work one day a week.