Grammer Lessons for GameLive

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Farther and further!
principle and principal

there and their
good thread
lightning and lightening
Never end a sentence with a preposition.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :thumbsup:
Never end a sentence with a preposition.

“This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.”
MrX gets it.
That geeky woman gets it.
cali :facepalm: im trying to think of the last time you didnt embarrass yourself...nothing is coming to mind.
“This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.”
Easier to say "Never end a sentence with a preposition bitch.'
Cali :facepalm: I'm trying to think of the last time you didn't embarrass yourself. Nothing is coming to mind.

A lot of fixing up to do on that one.

Personally I have at least 2 people give me this talk every single day.


She is welcome to her opinion. I disagree. To each his/her own. To me it does sound sloppy, but as she indicated, I may just be conditioned to think so. I also took Latin, although I am not sure that has contributed to my "conditioning."

nah, but seriously posting is an art of sorts. Grammar errors often needed to express the proper style.

Somebody should check the great Shantystar's posts for errors :lmao: