Alert - Has anybody here ever fisted a bitch?

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no, but its on my bucket list
At first thought it sounds like fun, then I thought about it some more and thought what the hell else would I do after that? Unless it was a try all things in the house like a bottle of wine, then maybe a mini football, baseball bat, cucumber, yellow squash, or some other items, it wouldn't be any fun for me.
Then after you get your fist in there, you can work on a magic trick of handcuffing yourself, double fisting, and getting out of the handcuffs while double fisting. O yeah the great Fistdini.
I have not. I do not consider it a priority however if one ever asks me to, I suppose I will.
Mrs.X is gonna have a field day with this one. She might throw you on a list fivey.
mrs. x is listless these days.
Anybody ever get stuck? That would be a fun cab ride to the hospital.
million to one shot, doc!

million to one!
Blitty, I don't think you have a handle on what will set me off. I'm not a prude, and I am not a fan of classless, boorish, crass behavior. I know definitions for actions are subjective but unless someone is shoving a fist up a girls hoo ha under duress, I think it's okay.

Mrs. X and her new leaf: Yeah for consensual fisting.
I've never fisted a bitch
mrs x you like what i did here?

It went completely over my head. I was like fine, Fischy thinks I'm not animated and boring. Then Mr. X asked if I saw what you wrote.

List less, listless.

I get it. I got it.

Me not pro. You very funny.
Mrs X,

I have a fist.

Call me.

True story, my friend did it once at the girl's request. He obliged. He threw up after.

No, I have not fisted a girl.