10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

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That vid is bullshit. Guys would fokking high-five each other all day if chicks acted like that. Especially the grinding at the club.
lol, true, but it's still funny - guys in the club - homo. just sayin.
When I've been walking the streets I've had cars full of girls pull up laughing hysterically saying things like nice kok, what are you going to satisfy a washer with that? Must have been carpenters or something. I appreciated that catcalling because I was single, these days I wouldn't.
I'm sure it's bearable in most small or mid-sized towns. But in a big city they just get hammered non-stop.

Exactly how I visualize it! Blitty, I just don't see you as the type to get so worked up bout it though! I know, your sexy better half gets this treatment all the time that's why it so profoundly disgusts you?

Honestly, be careful buddy! I worry bout MrsM going to malls at night parked in those lots so I can only imagine how bad NYC is!
:lol: good point mr.m. Treating women with respect=Blitty :excellent:

whoda thunk it :dunno:
I have to admit I was a little surprised when I saw who created the thread. Good for him. :blittster:
I'm frustrated by the actions of these guys doing it, because it makes zero sense to me.

It makes women cover up more and wear less skimpy outfits.

Also it makes them hate men more and makes getting laid more difficult for normal guys.

If their reasoning for catcalling is to impress the other guys in the vicinity, then that's just gay and lame.
I've had girls get called at walking by me, and when they turn around look at me and think I did it.

I take the false creep blame.
So true, like with anything else the bad seeds ruin it for everyone. I've had girls turn around and say to eachother "did he just fart?" I figured they were just looking to enjoy some healthy bathroom humor and joked back but each time they either walked or ran away.
oh there we go, there's our Blitty, he only cares for his own selfish reasons. yup, that's better.
Well I feel embarrassed for the girls too. Crappy way to experience life.
It's part of being a chick, it's not that big of a deal.
didn't Mara have'to cross the street just to get away from Blitty?

Boy's come a long way:mrquincy:
Cami don't come down on Blitty like that, he's a good guy I've e-known him longer than you.

I agree there is an intimidating subconscious level to any of it which is bullshit. It's in no way consensual. Circling around to the guy walking along her side for 5 minutes that guys beyond intimidation into the fear category and that dickhead should actually be arrested for that.

Easy to keep all of it consensual.
Well yeah, pulling a move like that is not ok, but just saying something, meh, whatever.
didn't Mara have'to cross the street just to get away from Blitty?

Boy's come a long way:mrquincy:


Our Blitty is all grown up!

didn't Mara have'to cross the street just to get away from Blitty?

Boy's come a long way:mrquincy:

It's part of being a chick, it's not that big of a deal.

Cami, things are just different out here.