Happy Super Bowl Sunday

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Bet on him because I thought it would be cool to see an undefeated team, shits bed v NYG.
Bet against him vs SEA, get fokked.
Bet against him vs ATL, get fokked.
Learn my lesson, bet on him against shitty Nick Foles Eagles, somehow get crushed.
Holding preseason future ticket om Rams so hold off, get fokked.
Bet against him this year, get fokked.

Good lord I will not miss this prick when he retires in 2030.
missed an opportunity for this smiley

It was a general question.

Interested in your opinion. Some of the fans, expect a congratulations from people when their team wins.

Figured you would consider them scum bag pigeons as well.
I don’t know what a scum bag pigeon is.
I wouldn’t congratulate a friend if his team won.
I’d congratulate someone who passed the bar or who bought a home or had a child.

But if I had a friend who I knew was a loyal diehard I would definitely shoot a text like “hey man that’s freakin awesome that the Golden Knights won!”
good result. weeknd half time show was good. i like to think we discovered him.
Ii like to think we discovered him.
If I recall correctly, it was you or Fiveteamer that introduced TheWeeknd to Gamelive back in 2011/2012. That’s how I ended up buying a few tracks from Trilogy on iTunes.
i think it was fiver. may have been me. either/or - it was a gamelive win
i think it was fiver. may have been me. either/or - it was a gamelive win
Most likely Fiver because he was in Toronto back then and would have had first exposure as the Wkend started there.
i think so plommer. go canada!
Canada is really something special. Toronto is filled with creative types. Unlike the suburbs of New York.
Canada is really something special. Toronto is filled with creative types. Unlike the suburbs of New York.
Well, moreso Ontario than the rest of Canada. Yes Quebec, the Maritimes and BC have produced some famous people but Ontario and specifically Toronto have given us everything from Jim Carrey, to Rush, the Weeknd, John Candy, Drake, Mike Myers, Samantha Bee, Kiefer Sutherland, Keanu Reeves, Shawn Mendes, Will Arnett,Cory Haim, Howie Mandel, Russel Peters, Bieber, Eugene Levy, Catherine Ohara, Neil Young, Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, Eric McCormack, Neve Campbell, PLOMMER, Fiveteamer etc etc.
rip john candy, the best.