Random thoughts

How about 1 sheet of toilet paper, muddy? Is that sufficient for your butt wiping needs?
How about 1 sheet of toilet paper, muddy? Is that sufficient for your butt wiping needs?

I've heard rumors about people who can manage to do that. I fail to see how that's feasible without getting your hand covered in fresh-out-the-oven feces.
Muddy, I just ran out of tissues, went through three boxes in two weeks. I like the Puffs Plus Lotion personally.
I have never heard rumors of this mythical beast that can wipe its ass with one square of toilet paper. Sounds like an urban legend on par with Candyman.

Untenable, implausible - preposterous!

Now there are times when a poop comes out so clean that it's almost like no wiping is required. However one still wipes - with at least 8 squares.
Muddy, I just ran out of tissues, went through three boxes in two weeks. I like the Puffs Plus Lotion personally.

I recently found an old stash of Kleenex that I had set aside for a recovery meeting that no longer exists - so I have been using those up lately.

What I usually use though - and what I prefer - is paper towels. Just rip one off the roll and give it a good blow.
That hurts my nose, and they are so big it almost feels wasteful to me. Not to mention when I get a runny nose, it doesn't I end up blowing it like every five minutes, so I need/like something soft. I use paper towels when I get bloody noses though, soaks it up better.
What I usually use though - and what I prefer - is paper towels. Just rip one off the roll and give it a good blow.

That's so wasteful.
-Every girlfriend I've ever had

Shit feels good. I'll buy the next round of fokken paper towels. Shut up.
What wasteful? I emit a big manly blow. I would need 2-3 Kleenex for proper coverage and even then I just shred 'em and end up with confetti on the front of my shirt. It's ridiculous.

There is nothing dainty going on here.
Geeze Muddy, I didn't know blowing ones nose could be so manly!
Matty, I don't give a fok what anyone else does, just not my style. Paper towels aren't that expensive, I just don't have big blows,
lol, that sounded dirty. lol
Well now that is a strange photo matty.....
Part of my job involves selecting and buying lots of stock photos to accompany articles and shit. You wouldn't believe some of the shit you can find on these stock photo sites.

NSFHH means Not Safe For Hardcore Homophobes

I'm not a homophobe by any means however I would like them to just stop doing what they're doing.
And another thing - about paper towels. I use a paper towel with basically every meal. It's something that has been drilled into my head I guess. Not that it's a terrible idea - but the point is - I eat a dinner like last night - roast pork, baked potato, tomato slice, oil and vinegar cole slaw. Glass of milk.

Being a guy that uses a knife and fork fairly effectively, I might not use the paper towel at all other than maybe a mouthwipe for a small bit of milk at the end. As a guy who can keep his milk under control, I might not use the paper towel at all. It's really only there just-in-case. But I'm not going to reuse it because I don't remember if I used it for something. Who knows? Throw the paper towel out.

If we want to talk about wasteful, that paper towel - which is being employed for its god-given purpose - is getting a lot less business than the one I use for my controversial morning noseblow.

So yeah.
This is a weird thread and the people in it are weird.