Canada is Larger than China

Mandarin is the 3rd most spoken language in Canada after English and French. Canada = where all the cool Chinese go to live!!
The lakeside city of Granada in Nicaragua is an an Atlantic Ocean port although it is closer to the Pacific Ocean.
There are over 50,000 centenarians in Japan.
Detroit to Washington DC is closer than Detroit to Copper Harbor, Mich.
Twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet 'song' have the same tune.

Throw in ba-ba black sheep in there as well.
Atlanta to Athens flight is 12 hrs. Don't do it.
Atlanta airport sucks.
Not as bad as Heathrow. Worst airport ever.
CDG is pretty bad, especially when they take you to ghetto Terminal 3. Walking on the tarmac to hop on a shuttle to the main terminal? BULLSHIT.
Tokyo, located to the east of Vladivostok, is 2 hours behind Vladivostok time.

FUKUI must be a nice place to visit in Japan.
Seems like there is a lot of light on land but not much on water.