go wall street protest

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Shame on CNNfor their biased coverage of this event.
these protests aren't going away anytime soon. Keep dreaming haters :dance::egyptian:
Re-occupy wall street has begun...... They can protest but cannot camp.

Go people go......
Why don't they protest Wash DC and how campaign funds (bribes) are accepted from Wall St.
The one in Toronto has disintegrated into a tent city full of street kids and hobos. I want to cops to go in there and fuck shit up.
As soon as I say I haven't heard about this in awhile it popped up on the news again last night. They kicked everyone out of some random park here yesterday, coinciding with the NYC dispersement. No more tent cities allowed.
Why don't they just organize and protest on actual Wall St. everyday or in each city's financial district? I'd be cool with that, as that would make sense. Having drunk hobo orgies in the park? What the fuck is this shit?
Having drunk hobo orgies in the park? What the fuck is this shit?


These protesters need to be taught some manners.
Why don't they just organize and protest on actual Wall St. everyday or in each city's financial district?
So obvious, y hasnt it been done yet?
FW, that's one of the main things they're protesting. OWS is just a title and doesn't imply that's what they're protesting although it's part of it. That was just a catchy name to get people interested. Exactly what a title should do.
Shame on CNNfor their biased coverage of this event.
Companies like this are part of the problem. What makes u think they would ever critically analyze their moral social agenda??
something something noam chomsky. something something fat cats. something something i want a pony.

leave the park and take a fucking shower
these camps would seem a perfect spot for the government to be testing some population control methods. for instance, when coyote populations got too large in some parts of texas, they simply laced some meat with sterilization drugs and baited the coyotes into an area. excellent way to control the population; just going out and shooting them leads to a lot of city folk (i.e., the 'informed public') and environmentalists getting their panties in a wad.

i say hand out bottled water laden with sterilization drugs in these areas to the protesters. give some to any of the media pukes hanging around as well.
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The list of demands by The Flea Party is a fucking joke.
This protest is threatening the establishment which is why they are going to resort to the same methods as used in all other places. The ruling elite, will claim it is all illegal and then violence will start using agent provocateurs. Just watch the G20 mess in Toronto to show what can happen. Every government has one agenda, keep power for themselves and screw the people they are supposed to represent.

This protest is threatening the establishment which is why they are going to resort to the same methods as used in all other places. The ruling elite, will claim it is all illegal and then violence will start using agent provocateurs. Just watch the G20 mess in Toronto to show what can happen. Every government has one agenda, keep power for themselves and screw the people they are supposed to represent.

acid joe, when are you going to put yourself on a local/state/national ballot to start taking back this power for the people? what candidates have you been supporting at the ballot box in previous elections?
Bud, that's why I am currently in Costa Rica. At least down here you know everything is corrupt but everyone goes around doing their shit. I have only voted for one party who ever got elected. My vote is usually a protest vote.