My crazy weekend - plus an apology to Blitty

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Feb 13, 2011
Blitty I am sorry for not getting ahold of you yesterday. I was far too drunk to properly make a phone call by the time we would have been hanging out. I'm very sorry. :(

friday i was lame and drove home from atlantic city and just hung with a friend.
saturday was boring - i ran errands and cleaned house yadda yadda
sunday i went to nyc. it took me over an hour b/c of a stupid accident.
i went to jason's (friend moving to lv) and we watched foot ball. we had 4 people, 50 wings, 50 onion rings and 100 beers. We finished everything, even the beers, between 4 people.
i drove home (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i got pulled over for speeding.
i got out of the ticket b/c i was honest and said i was meeting my friends at the local bar (true) and not only is my local bar the cop's local bar, we have the same friends and he was about to end his shift and was heading there too.
i went to local bar and bought the cop a drink since he didn't ticket me.
i have a date with the cop next week.
i went to my friends apartment and had more beer.
i drove home (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) around 1am

this morning i sat in my shower and swore off beer for a week.

in total i'd say i consumed... hmmm.... 30 beers? on my own. from 2pm - 1am.
drunk driving and speeding? please say no
30 beers :lol:
There is no way she put back 30 fucking beers AND drove after.

No way.
girl couldn't dial a phone

but she drove a car FAST!!!!

So sex with a cop for not writing a ticket is not like having sex with strangers for cash.

got it.
girl couldn't dial a phone

but she drove a car FAST!!!!



No worries, Cali...I'm getting used to your flaky ways :winkwink:

I don't buy the 30 beers thing either. You drank 2-3 with me and said you were feeling tipsy. If you want to get an 8 ball and hang out later this week I will challenge you and you can prove everyone wrong. :cheers:
Would LOVE to hear Wally's take on this
depends if i've eaten and on drug use.

lets see i drank a 6 pack, then 4 beers i think. then drove from nyc to nj. then had 3 beers at the bar and 3 at rick's. and 1 at home. so i had 17 beers?

sorry for the exaggeration.
everything gets exaggerated after too many beers..its all good, we get it, you were hammered... anyways, plommer is definitely on to something here :yes:
8 ball optional. Not sure why I brought that up. Maybe because I can legitimately drink 30+ beers if I had one.

Without, I am confident in throwing back at least 20 in a night.
Cali my bigger concern is you in trouble. You are probably 80 pounds lighter than me and I am wayyy too hammered to drive after 17 beers.

Not to sound dramatic but I can't help but think some of your unhappiness associated with your job is contributing to some bad decisions and I really hope to NOT hear that you are arrested in the near future.

Cali I got a DWI in New Jersey a long time ago and it fucked my shit up pretty good for quite awhile. Don't do that.
Cali I got a DWI in New Jersey a long time ago and it fucked my shit up pretty good for quite awhile. Don't do that.

You obviously never blew or fucked that cop.

Big mistake.
You obviously never blew or fucked that cop.

Big mistake.

I still remember none of it but I woke up pretty beat up and was told the cop REALLY hated me. HE tried to charge me with like 5 different overlapping charges, just he DWI sucked though.
Steve's, you're a criminal and cops hate criminals - they're trained to.