Where is Wally?

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matty's hype man
Jan 24, 2010
Found him!
found him! that was hard.
I found Eva and Mr. Android.

As for Mr. Wally I don't believe he is in the picture.
super cute movie if I remember right though....

I'd be ready to watch it again
Wally, has been missing since before March started.

I hope you are okay and just bored with us, and playing with some RC vehicles and Golfing and shit Wally.

Miss you man
I see WallE
I just looked at the spoiler like 15 minutes ago and now I'm looking again and I still can't find him.
Wally I love you like you love cake
Wally loves coke more than cake
I'm good Arch just been busy with things unrelated to forumville. Days at work have construction going on with building a new plant so my goof off time has been reduced. Evenings are being spent fixing crap. Weekends are full of running errands and fixing crap.

Baseball starts soon and maybe I can get my Focker 500 turned around. I don't have my local anymore and not funded online anywhere so placing plays that aren't legit plays seems kind less interesting although I guess it's more profitable in my case.