What are you reading?

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I love you, Chord!
Jan 27, 2010
It just so happens I got the latest addition to my library today, the novel Kramer vs. Kramer by Avery Corman. I recently learned that two of my favorite 70's movies were adapted from his novels, the aforementioned one and also Oh, God! starring George Burns. So since I'm interested in lighter reading I figured I'd see if the old saw holds true and the book is superior to the movie interpretation. I'll keep everyone apprised.

On a geeky note, do we have any Trekkies that have read any of the books which were inspired by the series? They were all paperbacks by Pocket Books, most were numbered. I started buying them when I they were brand new, and occasionally I still go back to revisit them. Primarily TNG since that was what was out when I was that young, but a few DS9 works as well. Just curious if I really am the biggest nerd here.
The Last Juror - Grisham

I will admit to reading a few of the Battlestar Gallecta ones back when I was a wee little kidlet.
I don't read books, believe in Aliens or want to go to outer space. I rather read on current affairs like baby Juan Cruz who got stabbed 6 times in the neck hours after being born by their 19 years old mother and 20 year old father in the Isidro Casanova villa of Buenos Aires. Found in hypothermia and still clinging to his life 3 days in. http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/04/19/um/m-02184034.htm
Don't read much these days, but back in college (me Lit major), my favorite author was probably Witold Gombrowicz.

Scholar, if you care to know what kind of intellectual shit turns me on, I would suggest reading a couple of random entries from his diary if you manage to find a copy. The guy was as silly as a Gameliver yet he was recognized as a major author by his contemporaries... he missed the Nobel prize by a single vote in the late 60's. One of his major themes is the unending immaturity of men. I think you're going to hate it, but I'd be curious to know what you think of it.
i know im not scholar but i will check it out. just finished thrashing those fools at S*R chat. you should have stayed matty.
I have had this for quite a while but only got started with it this week.
Currently reading Mathletics..... Some crazy shit in there.
I love this guy. His car "reviews" in the Times are pure comic genius.

As much as I like Top Gear, I prefer Clarkson in written form. He certainly knows his audience.
I dont read entire books
but do occasionally read entries from Amazon.
recently various Hunter S. Thompson books, and The Heroin Diaries
False Economy by Alan Beattie

330 pages, read it on a airplane ride. talks about how come africa doesn't grow cocaine and Mohara Contract. learned a lot of new things that is not economics
One of the unfortunate effects of the ongoing deterioration of my brain is I have stopped reading. Reading used to be a huge part of my life and I always had something on the go, but now I think it has been 5 years since I read a book.

I can tell you what I was in the middle of when I stopped reading. It is still sitting there atop one of my bookshelves with my page marked.

Joseph Heller - Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man
I read 1 book every week. It's my way of winding down after my hellish day at work.
Fifty-nine in '84 by Edward Achorn.

I'm sure I'm the only one reading this.
I'm not reading anything in particular right now. 'Sphere' by Michael Crichton is one of my favorites. If you come across a used copy I highly recommend it.

I've read a lot of self-help books, topics including self-esteem to meditation and everything in-between.

A few years ago I became interested in light and sound machines.(mind-machines) The are basically a mind and mood entrainment device.
They are pretty effective in changing your mind state and brain waves; helpful since I stopped smoking weed about 8 years ago.

This is the one I have.
last book i read was The Kite Runner.... it warmed my soul