week 3 thoughts & plays

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Aug 7, 2010
TB+3..Not even trying to argue how impressive pit D is as i agree they are great. To me one or two plays will probably decide this thing and with tb i have the most dangerous offensive playmaker on the field in Freeman, yes he is young and yes pit d could cause him problems but he is big, strong armed, and mobile enough that i believe there will be once or twice he will keep a play alive and make something good happen (very big ben like) ...

pit is expending tons of energy the way they are having to play to win games, now they get a team that would be easy to take lightly, in the heat, off of a physical game. ppl can say "pit will pound it down their throat" all they want to but in reality there run game is not all that good, we know Batch isnt all that good, and lets face it teams are not gonna turn it over 7 times every week no matter how good there d is....

bottom line if tampa limits mistakes and Freeman knows that a punt is a win in this game, it will be very close so ill take the home team with the points...17-16 bucs

Hou-2.5...if i hear 1 more time "no way dal goes 0-3, blah blah blah" about dal or any other team my head is gonna pop, if that is the only reason you can come up with to back a team you may wanna pass.

plain and simple hou is the better team in the midst of a breakout season, been on them the 1st 2 weeks and this a train im not trying to hop off just yet. dal has talent sure but they also have a piss poor coaching staff, Garrett's head has to be spinning as he is hearing from everywhere how he needs to try calling some runs plays but at the same time he is facing a hou team that clearly has problems defending the pass. Watch out when dal tries to come out running (which is playing to the strengths of hou) and next thing ya know dal down 14-0. panic will set in, mistakes will be made, hou offense will put up points and the pressure will quickly build on this fragile dal team...27-17 hou

Balt-10.5....under this regime the Ravens have destroyed cup cakes at home, go check there record as big home chalk the last few years if you dont believe me. 2 tough road games for balt, a pissed off ray ray, and a offense that im sure is itching to impress. all spells blowout to me...28-13 bal

Jax+3....ok look i know Vick is a beast, i know phi has all kinds of weapons, i know jax is a avg team at best. Now that is out of the way. There are some matchups to like in this game, Garrard and Lewis are clicking and philly is one of the worst teams in the league at defending the te. I just watched best gash philly and while yea the kid is great if he can do it i like my chances for MJD to have a big day. 31-30 jax

cin/car un 38...what has cincy's offense done to be getting so much love in this game? dont get me wrong i expected this to be a much improved unit coming into the season, but let me be the 1st to say that i think i was wrong(you wont hear that much), yes it a small sample size but the big problem is i thought Palmer a few years removed from injury would look like his old self with all the weapons at his disposal, that is just not the case. It seems obvious that it is possible the injuries have taken something from him he just can not get back. Panthers can play D, when there offense is not killing them with turnovers. i look for a very ball control type game plan from Car this week with heavy doses of the run game. cincy d is good enough where this should be a punt fest...16-13 either way

was/stl un 39..straight shitfest. skins d will be tough after last weeks embarrassing performance, should cause Bradford and the o-line a lot of problems as they can blitz all they want with no real wr threat on the outside for stl. wash offense is not very good, yes they looked great last week but i believe that was a exception to the rule. i look for Shanny to use this opportunity to try and find some trace of a run game as he will need it going forward. stl d is improving under Spagnola and i believe it will keep them in this game all the way...20-17 skins

Den +5.5....sure its easy to say look what indy did to this team last year and previous years and take indy. Last years final was deceiving as den out gained and outplayed indy for most of the game in indy. Sure indy will get theres but i like some of the things im starting to see from Orten and the den wrs. den hangs in a high scoring affair...31-27 indy

mia -1..we can talk about this later...

thoughts and comments are appreciated, GL to everyone today whatever you decide :cheers:
I've got a hankering for Seattle plus the number and some chili today

GL Banker, lean Tampa too
2da, I hope I'm not mushing up your vibe but I really like Tampa at home as well. Nothing is ever what it seems in the NFL but the Bucs look pretty solid early on. It's my play for the day.
Nice write up banker! I'm on jags and bucs-
I've got a hankering for Seattle plus the number and some chili today

GL Banker, lean Tampa too

yea coug, im kinda feeling sea as well. just cant really give myself any good reasons besides home dog and line going wrong way. sea better at home no doubt but and sd is shit in sept but i would like a little more...convince me
2da, I hope I'm not mushing up your vibe but I really like Tampa at home as well. Nothing is ever what it seems in the NFL but the Bucs look pretty solid early on. It's my play for the day.

nah no mushing going on, we be ok.....man that s.car game was fukkin brutal wal, i was killing it all day then went to big on that game..Spurrier really gave us a fuk job in that one, should have went back to Garcia last series......