Top Ten Worst Vegetables

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
10. Swiss Chard: Tastes exactly how it sounds. It’s like if Kale had a brother on the spectrum and kept talking about Anime.

9. Peas: The texture is horrific. Always mushy and unless you make soup out of them, they are hard to stomach without every bite being reminded you are eating them.

8. Dandelion Greens: Elderly people swear by them. People under the age of 50 never have eaten them. Cooking them is a chore. Picking them makes you look poor.

7. Turnips: Mashed, they taste like nutty metallic potatoes. I won’t turn up to your holiday dinner if you are serving them.

6. Beets: Some people love them. I’ve tried SO many times to acquire the taste for them but they always leave me underwhelmed with a weird flavor in my mouth.

5. Squash: It’s the cantaloupe of vegetables. To be honest, all forms of squash are as bland as any Harlan Coban Netflix mini series adaptation.

4. Rutabaga: Take the worst of all vegetables and make a hybrid version of it. Then give it a name you can’t spell unless you are a 12 year old Indian.

3. Artichokes: Acceptable in dips. When people put them in salads, I know it’s strictly to act like they are fancy. Nobody ever orders a side or extra artichokes on anything…ever.

2. Brussel Sprouts: Nobody likes them. People are just surprised how many ways you can mask the god awful flavor of them. These methods basically destroy any healthy upside to the damn things. Better off eating a stick of butter.

1. Broccolli: How this fucking vegetable is still sold to the masses like it should’ve a vegetable staple is mind numbing to me. They look like diseased male junk. They taste like absolutely nothing. Nobody eats them at the dip and veggie tray station unless all the baby carrots are gone. Just trash.
Was on board with the first half of the list but the second half contains three of my favorites. Squash, brussels and broccoli are all excellent when prepared properly.

Easy Recipe for squash or broccoli: coat in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, parm cheese. Oven on 425 for 20m. Up to 25m for broccoli if you like the crunchy char.

Same for brussels, but with only salt and pepper. Mix some honey and Worcester sauce in a small dish to drizzle over.

Try them this way and they will be off the list.
Love squash, broccoli and brussel sprouts!
Was on board with the first half of the list but the second half contains three of my favorites. Squash, brussels and broccoli are all excellent when prepared properly.

Easy Recipe for squash or broccoli: coat in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, parm cheese. Oven on 425 for 20m. Up to 25m for broccoli if you like the crunchy char.

Same for brussels, but with only salt and pepper. Mix some honey and Worcester sauce in a small dish to drizzle over.

Try them this way and they will be off the list.
Like I said about brussels, you have to mask the flavor completely.

Honey is great. If I’m putting them on veggies to make them palatable, they make my list lol
I dislike beets but I started drinking a cup beet juice (with no additives) once a day for health purposes and it's done wonders

At #1 on my list of worst vegetables is mushrooms and it's not close.

Arugula sucks, too.
My top two are probably Brocoli and Brussells in that order. I like Arugula. Big nope on beets and mushrooms. I eat a lot of spinach but I don't know why. I don't really like it, taste or texture (when sauted).
My top two are probably Brocoli and Brussells in that order. I like Arugula. Big nope on beets and mushrooms. I eat a lot of spinach but I don't know why. I don't really like it, taste or texture (when sauted).
Actually, mushrooms are funghi, not vegetables (I got you covered @roguejuror)
Fuck off @Vegas Dave and @roguejuror. Squash is a fruit and Dave called it a veggy. Eat my dick (actually a tuber).
Tell your Brazilian cook to make caruru for you, it has vegetables (onions), capsule fruits (okra) drupe fruits (coconut), seeds (cashews), and legume (peanuts). Like that everybody is happy in the thread. You will love it (or merely like it), a little taste of negro Bahia.
I could never get into beets. Tried them a couple of times, just wasn’t into the flavor. I don’t mind peas and broccoli, don’t think I’ve ever had squash. Brussels sprouts aren’t bad. Carrots and corn are my favorites..
Artichokes aren’t bad at times..

Great thread! @CASPERWAIT$
Perhaps slightly off topic.. :endoftheworld:

What are your thoughts on sauerkraut?

I used to not like it, now I love it..

Plus, it’s good for the digestive system..
I put it on pretty much everything..

Especially pork and hotdogs..

Delicious !! 😋 Inexpensive, too..
Perhaps slightly off topic.. :endoftheworld:

What are your thoughts on sauerkraut?

I used to not like it, now I love it..

Plus, it’s good for the digestive system..
Love sauerkraut. I’ve tried some artisan versions of it. Really good stuff
I can do kale but only if it's juiced with carrots and apples
Local organic tomatoes from Amish guys truck parked on side of road


Sliced up with toasted wheat bread bacon and mayo