Supporting our troops

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Apr 4, 2010
I hear people talking about it, and some people claim to be more adamant in their beliefs/level of support than others, but what does it exactly entail and do you get the shirt for free if you do it on a regular basis?
It's like pushing out a difficult poop. You have to sit down and wish very very hard that everyone is okay. There is no t-shirt. Your reward is healthy regularity.
something tells me that you arent a true supporter
It means that you are saddened whenever you hear of someone in the military getting killed in action, even though it is what they signed up for.

Nobody should ever get what they wish for. It's terrible.
i think it means something like when they come slumbering back from doing dick cheney's bidding, you go "hey bro, how you doing pal? let me buy you a beer, here's cold one on me" but you say it REALLY sincere and with a serious voice and sh*t like that

I'm actually not sure what it means

maybe something like when you see them in the airport you turn to them and clap and dont care if anyone else thinks you look stupid
maybe something like when you see them in the airport you turn to them and clap and dont care if anyone else thinks you look stupid

pally something tells me you have done this before.
Rule of thumb: if you agree with my politics, you are properly supporting the troops.

If not, then no.
It means that you are saddened whenever you hear of someone in the military getting killed in action, even though it is what they signed up for.

Nobody should ever get what they wish for. It's terrible.

:thumbup: very nice
such a deep thinker this Bread is.
you show respect whether you agree with the war or not.