Stock Picking - Straight Gambling

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500 Shares of SWHC at 7.71-7.73 and sold 500 covered March 10's at .45...

$$ is my only morality.
If you liquidated this trade right now you'd be up

225 on the stock
200 net on the options

425/3870 (cost) = 10.9% in 24hrs or a simple annualized roi of about 2855%.

Ima let it ride.:rideem:
Still riding the handgun trade. All is well.

Wish i was approved for level 3 options b/c i would sell volatility in HLf.

Has anyone followed this crazy herbalife story? Its either an illegal pyramid scheme or acceptable multi-level marketing.

Sell 10 feb 32.50 puts raise 1450
Sell 7 feb 45.00 calls raise 1015

This is a hypothetical trade, not approved for selling naked.
Boner_18 should be responsible for managing and investing Gamelive's liquid assets. We're all gonna be rich. :cripwalk:
Anyone looking at RIM? If I had any cash/savings I'd go all-in on that bitch.
They are trading at $2.72 now down from $16 a few months back. If you wait a few more weeks you can buy it for $1.

I would recommend buying Nokia or Sprint if you have money to invest. You have a better chance with these companies to make money.

Nokia is up almost 300% since I recommend it. Sprint is up 80%.
Apple's loss is everyone else's gain.
Anyone looking at RIM? If I had any cash/savings I'd go all-in on that bitch.


I read up on that herbalife, nice little racket they had going.
I think RIM is going turn it around big. They already own the Asian market. Rumors of their demise have been greatly exaggerated.

What happened to Herbalife? I can't believe that MLM schemes are still allowed to take advantage of depressed housewives.
most of their affiliate joints were run down in bad neighborhoods with little to no clients, real shitty looking among other things

Bb is huge in Africa too, in Central America it's a big draw as well, people consider it a big thing, very few can afford an android or iphone, I'm buying cheap used bb online and shipping them to cen ame, can almost double the price
Way more rim phones in Colombia than apple or android phones.
Don't know much about RIM. I've heard that at these levels it's trading right around tangible book which means if all the assets were liquified in a costless asset sale and the total cash were divided by shares the price would be fair. Often companies people see as being a coin flip trade there or below.
Anyone looking at RIM? If I had any cash/savings I'd go all-in on that bitch.

Disagree. Almost completely.

If anyone fills Apple market share, I think it's a combination of more Droids and Windows.
Why Windows more than BB?
Marketing, interconnectivity, deeper pockets mostly.
There has also been a steady exodus of BB users - in the U.S. at least. Once you lose customers, it's hard to get them back.

I think from a user standpoint, they'd be more willing to try something new than go back to a platform they've largely abandoned.
Don't know much about RIM. I've heard that at these levels it's trading right around tangible book which means if all the assets were liquified in a costless asset sale and the total cash were divided by shares the price would be fair. Often companies people see as being a coin flip trade there or below.

Their release has been priced into their stock. I don't see any upside in it. Their last quarter they had shored up cash from reduced expenditures as well. There is a lot of optimism there, and where there's optimism, there's typically downside - especially in techs.