so i'm officially single.

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WOW FUCK YOU ALL. Yeah I put on a few pounds - most of you are fucked up fatties. Fuck you all.

I am in personal training and weight watchers. Ca you say the same?!?!!?!??!? FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKERS I AM DONE

Cali are you buff now?

charming fatass
Getting close to 2 bills.. :sparesomecutter:
I lead the exact same lifestyle and diet.

Aging sucks.
Bout 235 here I work out a ton too

But yeah, have to do cardio :facepalm:

In the old days pushups and weights used to cut it, so fuck :fuckyourmother:
How tall are you, baconator?
Wow Blitty is getting HUGH, boysssssssss.

Boys, I'm at 188. It's fokkin hard staying at 188.

I could EASILY balloon up to 205. Could get there in 10 weeks.
still short
165 now
all muscle
I know man I got SO complacent across the board. I'm lucky to have the energy I have to make a comeback, I'd to thank the wonderful sport of beach volleyball for that. My ideal weight is 185, I believe. Gym across the street for cardio. Thirty seconds from me so no locker room crap. Then I'm going to spike


No I mean, you look fatter than me and we basically have the same bacon-to-muscle ratio.

Lol I ain't arguin man troof is troof.

Let's talk 5.31 then