Movies discussion - 3/22/10

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Jan 27, 2010
I don't have much to report myself but I figgered I'd kick off a discussion

Nurse Jackie - This is not a movie but I have so little to talk about. I watched the entire 1st season of this Showtime series on DVD this week. It is 12 half hour episodes. It is better than most network shows but a notch below some of the great Showtime/HBO series. Very watchable though, I thought. My gf loved it. My understanding is the 2nd season is just starting now so I guess we have a bit of a wait for those DVD's.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - I have been methodically going through and viewing all the HP movies for a second time over the last couple months. This is the second most recent installment. It is good but somewhat lacking compared to the others. 7.0 out of 10.

Supplemental topic: poor Sandra Bullock.

- Was solid throughout, but the ending completely, absolutely sucked. Made me want/need to take a break, and that's no fun at all.
I watched The Usual Suspects as part of my ongoing plan to watch any and every movie that enters IMDB's top 250 list. Kevin Spacey's performance far outshines the rest of that rather cheap twister of a corrupted cop movie. I did enjoy Benicio Del Toro's approximative turbo English (which sounded a lot like Brad Pitt's pikey in Snatch), the somber and imposing lawyer character ("Kobayashi"), the myth created around the movie's main villain and the fact that the story is told by a subjective witness... but as far as the ultimate outcome... meh. Fuck off.
I hate it when movies take the cheap way out. Would much rather have an open ending.
a bit off topic, but I bought the first season of Madmen on the suggestion of my girl, I watched the first 3 or 4 and thought it was ok.... I didn't want to turn it off, but it wasn't compelling.

she flew through the whole first season. I haven't been moved to try to watch the remainder of unwatched first season for over a week now. (partly due to booze and basketball)

but I bought her madmen 2 last night, and then just found out that this morning that there was a 3rd season of madmen on dvd. does this show get better? should I buy season 3? do I ever get to see the hot secretary's tits? what channel is this damn show on I never heard of it before two weeks ago.

also I bought the first season of the Wire and first season of sopranos yesterday. I'm not sure what I was thinking I can't watch all this shit with spring springing.....
The Wire is the most attention-grabbing TV series of all-time. If you think you suffer from ADD, this may cure it. Very very dense piece of work that's quite easy to follow. Everything just makes sense. God I loved that show.
just found out that this morning that there was a 3rd season of madmen on dvd. does this show get better?

I would say no. It is pretty consistent in terms of style and quality. I love it but I understand completely that it is not for everyone.

The channel is AMC. Like Breaking Bad, it is an original AMC series.

The Wire = best TV show of all time IMO.
You are in the clear....not stealing at all
Amby is it kinda like in Miami when you got the curry dish which was plainly advertised as a special by the door, and when your bill comes, it's for $25 more than it should be, and only because YOU caught the "mistake" was it rectified?

Kinda like that?
why the hell did it go to this thread...i am lost.
Amby and Bread, I am kindly going to ask you to leave.
Amby is it kinda like in Miami when you got the curry dish which was plainly advertised as a special by the door, and when your bill comes, it's for $25 more than it should be, and only because YOU caught the "mistake" was it rectified?

Kinda like that?

That is exactly like it! they would have been stealing from me!
Filthy Cubans stiff Amby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Seriously guys, if you have a movie about cafeterias to discuss, fine. Otherwise, get the hell out of here.