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Lance Armstrong confesses steroid use

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No but seriously man, the big interview with Oprah is being aired at 9 pm on Thursday evening on the Oprah Winfrey Network. No idea where to find that but I guess it's there somewhere. So anyone who is so inclined can watch that to witness the tone and attitude of the confession.

But the details are already out.

Here's a link to a story and a video report.

from CNN
The one thing that always throws me off about these stories is how they talk about juicers confessing to PEDs. I have to stop and think it through. Oh yeah, Performance Enhancing Drugs. At first glance it always seems like they are saying the guy likes children too much.
Soon they won't be allowed to eat a good steak. Performance-enhancing food. How dare you hide the fact that you've been juicing on tenderloin all these years.

I kid.

Fok Lance Armstrong, but fok the USADA even harder for this after-the-fact, face-saving, chickenshit operation. You guys suck at what you're supposed to be doing.
I mean the guy's got an easy out on why he never came clean? It's was a medical condition: Testicular cancer that spread to the brain! Poor boy had one removed!

Simply put he should just say, "I didn't have the balls to tell the truth. And GFY Oprah!"
Only problem I have with Lance is his aggressive attempts to impugn people that told the truth. He did stuff that could be seen as attempting to destroy the reputations and livelihoods of some regular working folk - which is pretty scummy coming from a filthy rich set-for-life-no-matter-what bastard.

Didn't he even launch a lawsuit or two? Not positive about that but maybe.

I really get how guys in that situation get into PED's. I don't like it but I totally get it. What I am interested in from Lance is not a confession - well okay, I am a bit interested in that - but mostly, apologies. He owes some major apologies IMO and I would like to see the scope and sincerity of those. (Although, now I think about it, there could be specific legal consequences of some apologies so maybe I should temper my expectations.)
Only problem I have with Lance is his aggressive attempts to impugn people that told the truth. He did stuff that could be seen as attempting to destroy the reputations and livelihoods of some regular working folk - which is pretty scummy coming from a filthy rich set-for-life-no-matter-what bastard.

Great say Muddy and +1 from me! :clap: