Key West

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Fuckin genius over here boys, this blittwit.

Hey did you ever get a job after being fired 2 years ago or so?

I realize I too am unemployed. I'm honestly wondering if you work?

what moron throws this stone when they are sitting on their ass, unemployed and living with their parents? think before you post
it certainly would help cali get a job if she were remotely attractive/intelligent.
I see what you did there.

Bermuda, Bahamas, Barbados, I frequently confuse the three.

But all are basically the same fukkin thing, little tropical islands In the middle of nowhere where the people are desperate to leave. Didn't Bread construct a raft and ride it for days in the Atlantic to get himself to the US? :yes:

Luckily the wind was blowing to the west or he may have ended up in Newfoundland.

Of the three I've only been to the Bahamas. Been many times. I'll have to check out those other places someday.
I've never been to any of them. All on my list.