have you ever been JAILED for being a rape victim?

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Jan 30, 2010
This lady did

"KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan has pardoned a woman who was raped by a family member but then jailed for adultery, a statement from the presidential palace has said, in a case that highlights deep concerns about women's rights in the country"


It's good to see other parts of the world hitting on all cylinders :should justbefuckingnukedtohell:

Wait but she still might have to marry him

NO. The answer is, NO I have not. Pardoned for being raped is next level.
"It remained unclear whether the 21-year-old-woman, known as Gulnaz, would still have to marry the man who attacked her, her cousin's husband, after an earlier release offer which stipulated they must marry."

Read this story a bit ago. Simply unreal.

She will be pardoned if she marries her attacker.

Yes, let's liberate this backwards ass way of thinking.
fucked up :officer:
don't nuke afghanistan stevie, we need the pashtuns
That's fine RJ.

This shit really pissed me off. That chick could be cool.

No one will ever know man. No one will ever know.
pakistan ISI is the real cancer of the region, blame them
I'm pretty sure the Afghan court is looking for the welfare of the child (who is the product of the rape of all things). Their thinking is that a single mother who was raped and spent time in prison would not find a new husband to support the child in their prehistoric country and think the only way to provide for the kid is to force her to marry the rapist. Weird!