God Damn Frenchies in Canada

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I think Matty is going to kick your ass for this one...
Disregarding Pucky's unhealthy obsession with Quebec Frenchies for a moment, the man has a point... these kinda comments annoy the shit out of me too and they make me feel embarrassed for my "people". The fact is that no more than 1/5 of the country speaks the language and it's overwhelmingly concentrated in one province. Canada isn't one unified culture, no more than the US are anyway. And Vancouver isn't noted for its French population, so Charest should stuff it and be happy that he got his French song during the Vancouver Olympics.
They learn how to drive in Quebec yet.

Every summer when I am back in Maine I end up yelling at some asshole with Quebec plates, driving 6 mph and driving the wrong way down a 1 way street.

1/5 French
1/5 Chinese
1/5 Tamil
2/5 Newfies
Tamil? Really fivey?
Man I hope I'm not turning into the Canadian version of BeanTownJim,

Man I hope you ARE!!! :popcorn:
I'm just getting warmed up Breadley!!!
There are plenty of Frenchie Canadiens in Myrtle Beach, SC right now. No problems here.
I don't know what to make of it. The Olympic organizers went WAY out of their way to kiss the ass of first nations people. About an hour into the opening ceremonies I commented how I was still waiting for evidence that there are people like me in Canada.

So if the Frenchies feel under-represented and under-buttkissed, they can get in line.
Don't get me started about that fat fuck who was making lame Canada-themed jokes. Did anyone feel represented by that? :freak:
I found that painful Matty. Embarrassing. If it had've just been jokes it might have been excusable but I found it to be more of a needy, insecure cry of please-please-love-us.
Vive le Quebec Libre....... adios and don't let the door hit you on the way out, tired of you whining about every god damned thing. I am convinced there are no white males of British/Scottish/Irish ancestry anymore. At least not at the olympics.
Relax PuckOff! Just because you beat a retard in the 1st round of the tourney doesn't mean you will beat a drunk in the 2nd? Sounding like your alittle more serious than most concerning the non-serious tourney? I'm scared to think of what you may do with a can of tuna fish combined with Robyn's undergarments in your possession?

AMby, put down the dam beer and make 2 more plays! PuckOff, just in case a miracle happens and you come back and win the tourney, how much you want for the panties?:hides:
Vive le Quebec Libre....... adios and don't let the door hit you on the way out, tired of you whining about every god damned thing. I am convinced there are no white males of British/Scottish/Irish ancestry anymore. At least not at the olympics.

you talkin to me?
Relax PuckOff! Just because you beat a retard in the 1st round of the tourney doesn't mean you will beat a drunk in the 2nd? Sounding like your alittle more serious than most concerning the non-serious tourney? I'm scared to think of what you may do with a can of tuna fish combined with Robyn's undergarments in your possession?

AMby, put down the dam beer and make 2 more plays! PuckOff, just in case a miracle happens and you come back and win the tourney, how much you want for the panties?:hides:

Hmmmmmmmmm all depends if they were washed or not?
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