FIFA World Cup 2014 First Match June 12, 2014

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Ozil lol

Brazil off the schnide
I had Under 7 goals in this match and I just got BURIED

Remember when Italy tried to compete? ROFLCOPTER

Hurts, man.
World Cup soccer: giving people what they want, when they want it.



Man, I actually feel bad for them, they're so miserable. A good run means nothing now.
The wheel in the sky keeps on turning and Germany keeps on scoring.

They made fun of Klinsmann for parking the bus versus Germany. Guy was a genius.
Colombia would have beat Germany.

how you come up with that one?

Shame. This was a fun World Cup. For Brazil to lose like that kinda ruins it. I don't know if Brazil can recover. They will probably have to change styles and become lame like most other teams. I think I did mention somewhere that they did not look like the same Brazil I remember watching for 30 years. hmm
Brazil vs Argentina could be fun on Saturday. But I'm hoping Argentina goes through to the final.
Watching that was surreal. In a good way, mind you.
Now they are burning their own flag in the streets. That'll teach 'em!

I just don't want to hear anyone say Brazil lost because they were missing a couple players. I watched 36 minutes of an earlier game and they sucked with those players. They were lucky to get as far as they did.

36 minutes don't lie.
They will probably have to change styles and become lame like most other teams. I think I did mention somewhere that they did not look like the same Brazil I remember watching for 30 years. hmm

They became lame more than 10 years ago, they implemented an unwritten rule of only using Euro based players. The Brazilian teams of old were mostly local players. Lots of players in the local league don't even get look at because they don't have 'euro experience' and the 1 or 2 that do make it go to the bench. This side is just another euro team.
well thats terrible Rouuge. Why would they do that?
if they are in europe they must be good mentality