Chrome or the Field?

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Oct 24, 2013
What's the play, y'all?
I took California Chrome for a unit

Last triple crown was 1978 a horse year, 2014 another horse year

Plus last 2 races were on 11 days

Today also an 11 day
When is big race?
I done pissing away money on horses
Took chrome +120. When is this going down?
I don't know, but my power is out for three hours so someone post who won as soon as it's over.
Definitely would take the field.
I took the field too.
Too bad

Was a great run for such a horse

i want those 3 minutes of my life back
espinoza blew this one... the owner whining like a bitch now...cracking me up..
That extra 1/4 mile is a killer for a horse not used to it. He was competitive up to 1 1/4 mile.
funniest losing interview ive ever seen.. what a bitter fucking old man

The owner makes Lebron look manly.
funniest losing interview ive ever seen.. what a bitter fucking old man

Yeah, he needs to enjoy his winnings and continue kissing his wife.

He's like the kid in the sandbox with all the toys and some new kid comes with a cool toy and he bitches because he can't play with it.
espinoza rode a brutal race... ive watched it a handful of times now... i agree that creating some distance after the slow qtr. would have won them the race or at least given them a chance... awful in-race strategy...