Canada is Larger than China

Also: it appears that Alibaba is a thing.

City of Chongqing 31,442,300
Canada 34,499,000


According to data from 2014:
As one of the largest direct-controlled municipalities in the country, Chongqing has an estimated 2013 population of 27,753,063, which includes the greater area.

Some of them moved out :)
mark i think it has to do with not counting the none-registered migrants, lots of those around
mark what's your deal man
wtf is that news source_ tomo?
I remember the good old days when Canada's population was only 26 million.


For recreational purpose Oregon and Alaska joined Washington and Colorado.
I had to google SSM. :facepalm:

The Dakotas are prude.
America is Larger than Japan.
Nothing like Southern hospitality! Those people get it!
Major intersection in the Ethiopian capital with no traffic lights.

The people crossing add to the fun there.
That's insanity, wth.
world's second languages, look how many filipinos in saudi arabia

There is a body of water in Newfoundland called Bay D'Espoire. That translates from the french as Bay of Hope.

But it is also sometimes called by the locals, Bay Despair. It is a corruption of D'Espoire. Despair.

Some also say it was originally called Bay Despair and Bay D'Espoire was the corruption.

In any case it has those two names with exact opposite meanings.

We love our Newfies.
That language map is error-filled, half-baked stuff. More English speakers in Indonesia than those of Javanese? Tagalog in Saudi Arabia as second-most spoken language is highly questionable too.