Breaking Bad

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Dark Horse

Deus Ex Machina
Jan 28, 2010
Back next month. Best writing I've ever seen on tv.


Hey why is that weird ugly guy from the movies on a tortoise??
Yeah, he was in Halloween last night.

Do we need to watch this show??
Tell us more about it DH. Comedy? Station?
You definitely need to watch this show. It is really one of the best shows on tv and really under rated. I would go out and rent season 1 on dvd. Season two doesn't come out until like a week before the season 3 starts in March.

I am counting down the days before this show comes back on.
Just read up on it a bit. Looks like a drama that has received a lot of critical acclaim. Might have to go rent the season.

I never know about any good shows when they are actually out. I always end up renting them a couple of years later (Pushing Daisies, Rome, etc)
The show is actually on AMC its a bit of a dark show. The show is about a Chemistry teacher that finds out he has cancer and is given not very long to live. He also realizes that he doesn't have money put away for his family and a stack of medical bills that keep adding up. He then decides a quick way to make money is make Meth. He recruits an ex student of his that is an area drug dealer and begins to enter the drug world. He is seemingly the perfect family man until he gets involved in this but his infusion in the drug world gives him a new found confidence and edge. On a side note his brother in law is a member of the DEA and constantly trying to take down the area Meth drug lords. As the seasons go on you see that because of his decision to enter the drug world everyone's life around him starts to crumble. It is almost like a chain reaction.....

I hope that is a good enough summary and I didn't give away too much. Check it out!
Put it up at the top of our blockbuster queue. Let's watch that before the new season starts! It looks weird, just like we like.
It's on AMC...American Movie Classics??
It's on AMC...American Movie Classics??

Yeah it is....weird station choice but it does well so I doubt AMC is going to let it go.
We need to wait for Season 2 to come out as well before watching this new one, Rubyn.
I watched season 1 as it was coming out and was liking it a lot. But then I missed the start of season 2 - and I didn't want to join in mid-stream - so I guess I am waiting for the DVD's unless I happen to catch wind that AMC is running it from the start at some point.

Definitely worth watching.
I think season two might actually have been even better than season 1.....and that is saying a lot.
It's on AMC...American Movie Classics??

Same channel that has Mad Men.

Did Bread just say he really liked Pushing Daisies??
I freakin loved everything about Pushing Daisies. Did you not like it Yello?
I liked Pushing Daisies. I had a guilty pleasure thing going on with that.
I freakin loved everything about Pushing Daisies. Did you not like it Yello?

wasn't pushing daisies only like 1 season long?
No. Two seasons. Had to end abruptly due to getting canceled but they tied up all the loose ends to conclude the show quite nicely, I thought.