Ask Amby A Question

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Current Corpse
Jan 20, 2010
Hey, wanna see my cock?
Can you please point yourself out in this picture?

Amby: my question is why is someone named Rick Flare when the guy is Ric Flair?
amby are you a good public speaker?
How does Bread have 17,000 posts in a year on this forum. Thats literally sick.
amby where does your ancestry come from?
Hey, wanna see my cock?

You have sent me many pictures of your cock....I am over it at this point.

Can you please point yourself out in this picture?


I am not at that one Bread. I was unable attend. I was too busy doing other "young republican" things

Amby: my question is why is someone named Rick Flare when the guy is Ric Flair?

I was wondering this myself, I think to make the distinction between the real Ric Flair and our Rick Flare......Just in case our Rick Flare suddenly became famous....that is my best guess.

amby are you a good public speaker?

Yeah I am fairly decent at public speaking. I haven't had to speak in front of a bunch of people in a while thought....maybe 250 people last winter...that was a best man speech. I haven't had to speak in front of anything larger than that in quite a while.

How does Bread have 17,000 posts in a year on this forum. Thats literally sick.

The spoke business is really down. Surprising honestly, you would think the demand for bicycles is high with the people losing jobs and wanting to save money.

amby where does your ancestry come from?

Umm well I am mostly Italian but also have a lot Irish in me. Other than that, it is pretty clouded because my father was a orphan. So I don't know anything about his biological father.
I am not at that one Bread. I was unable attend. I was too busy doing other "young republican" things

Incorrect. I found you! You sneaky little goose.

amby do you invest in the stock market?
Sexier poster:

Granchow or Justin7?

Wally or Reno?

Matty or Buztah?

Teela or Jenbird?

Tomato or Potato?

Shanty or Paco?
Do you intend on proposing to DG anytime soon?
Did you casual slip into the conversation the "I'm a Young Republican" line when you were on the market trying to hook with the other sex?
Are we invited to the wedding?
Ric Flair:


Rick Flare:


madmaxx that was strike 2.

Gamelive is not very bright today.
Amby and updates on the motorcycle riding? Do you have to store it now that is getting cold in upper state NY?
Flair/HBK at Mania is top 5 ever.

My question to Amby: This man claims to have lots of cash, however, the only one who follows him is jjgold and patty on occasion. He is in late 40s based on looks and resembles a character from one of the Gremlin movies. He also looks like he is dying of Aids and/or Cancer. Name this poster (and there are 2 options here).
Flair was a badass, Michaels kicked the living fuck out of him 4 times that match and Flair just stood there and took it