Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

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Quick one

Dude just slice them at an angle like I did and deep fry them for a few minutes and they will look like mine, it's the easiest

The green plantains ripened are even more delicious, @Boner_18 they are called maduros 'matured' at NYC restaurants, the more ripened the sweeter

Those look amazing

What kind of oil would you use?
I'll try one in the air fryer
going here for dinner tonight

fun little night out with friends
Look at this drink menu ..... wonder if any of the hard liquor connoisseurs here have tried any of these?

japanese whisky​

Ohishi Takashi Cask
Suntory Toki
Hibiki Harmony
Hakushu 12 Year
Yamazaki 12 Year
Yamazaki 18 Year
Nikka Coffey Grain
Nikka Coffey Malt
Nikka Taketsuru Pure Malt
Nikka Miyagikyo 12 Year
Nikka Yoichi 15 Year
Ichiro Malt & Grain
Mars Iwai
Mars Iwai Tradition
Kuriyoshi Pure Malt
Akashi Ume
Ohishi Kaito’s Cask
Ohishi Sherry Cask
Ohishi Brandy Cask
Ohsihi Tokubetsu Reserve
Fukano 2017 Edition
Fukano Sherry Cask
Fukano 10 Year
Fukano 14 Year
Fukano 16 Year
Kiuchi No Shizuku
Nikka from the Barrel
Jesus Christ. I've only ever had one Japanese whiskey and I have no idea what it was. I think the name started with H.
Food wise I could go for these ...
tai ceviche (GF)
new zealand sea bream, meyer lemon-dashi leche di tigre, edamame, piri piri peppers

smashed patty, pickled red onion, american cheese, cabbage, mayo

japanese style fried chicken, katsu sauce
Cliff bars
Ch breast
Colors light
More Coors Light
Sitting in a very cool bar right now w colors light and ice water
FYI Stevie Clif bars are for fueling endurance type activities. They're a terrible option as a normal snack. Way too much sugar.

Substitute with Coors Light

Just kidding Stevie, please stop drinking
FYI Stevie Clif bars are for fueling endurance type activities. They're a terrible option as a normal snack. Way too much sugar.

Substitute with Coors Light

Just kidding Stevie, please stop drinking

2 hard boiled eggs. A V8. no Coors.

Yes Matty, I finally listened to you.