Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

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I haven't had good fried plantain since you brought me to that place in the Miami burbs. I keep trying.
I haven't had good fried plantain since you brought me to that place in the Miami burbs. I keep trying.

Can you even find green plaintains at the supermarket in Owen Sound?
This is what my rice should look like, but I am making it a different way tonight. Will post later, should be interesting. I love plantains!

I want to see, I think I know your style of rice and peas
I want to see, I think I know your style of rice and peas
I don't have a specific style. I don't think so anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tonight I am doing something completely different, I have a feeling you would never guess
I meant your British style, Jamaicans take it from yall and call it 'rice and peas' also

Your dish is very Caribbean :yum:
I learned it from my Dad, he is from St. Elizabeth