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Anybody here have diverticulitis?????

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BGS 9.5

Basement Dweller
Jan 31, 2010
Spent a stint in ER last week with terrible abdominal pain. Yup, I have the big D. Runs in the family, so I guess 'm not surprised. Other than the standard nuts and seeds, I can't really find other foods that I need to stay away from.

Anybody else have this?
No but I just asked how you feel in the other thread and see now not great of late! What bout the other injury awhile back you had! I forgot if you mentioned but so long ago no ill effects from it?

MM, the last 7 months have been nuts. The elbow surgery went great, and I didn't even have to re-hab that. I then had some blood work done late last fall that resulted in high cholesteral and high blood pressure. Both of these are now in check, but I am on blood pressure medication. Than the diverticulitis attack last week, and during tax season to boot! The colon infection I had was really painful, but the antibiodics have really helped.

I have dropped about 25-30 lbs. since summer, and am under 190 for the first time in several years. My diet has been really good as well the past several months. I let myself go for a number of years, and am paying for it now, but things are on the upswing.

Thanks for asking, how are things with you and Mrs. M?
Glad to hear BGS! Catching your health issues now will help out in the long run! Mrs M and I are doing just fine! TY for asking and know it's a busy time for you but maybe after April come join GL more often during bases season! :up:
had a roomate in college that had it and didn't know. it ruptured on him, and I took him to the ER thinking it was his appendix. They thought it was appendicitis and he had surgery 8 hrs or so later. It was only then they realized the real problem. Guy coulda died.

he ended up with a colstomy bag for about a year

you don't want that. you've done the right thing by doing some research right here at Gamelive. GL winter 2012 "we'll keep the shit coming out of your asshole and not your stomach into a bag"

be careful with popcorn
BGS, sorry about the bad run with all the medical stuff but glad things are looking up. Your willingness to share your medical history with GameLive might be considered a cry for attention but we know that you are just sharing for sharing purposes. Unfortunately this openness will have a serious side effect. Teelas’ biological clock is ticking pal and in light of what you have told us the likelihood that you will remain a candidate are slim.
damn, sorry to hear BGS... every male on my dads side of the family has had it for generations... just hit my brother really hard a couple years ago (he is 47) ... i dont know if it will get to me since my diet is completely different than everyone else and i stay in shape, but i guess we will see...

just from personal experience with family members, stay away from popcorn, like archie mentioned....umm, tomatoes too (or dig all the seeds out first, obv.) and very spicy shit , like cami said is kind of a no-no...just whatever you can take i assume

eating breakfast bars with a lot of fiber/ high fiber cereal/ oatmeals etc. is really good for keeping pockets from opening up... you can find a bunch of stuff online about it... good luck homey
i stay in shape,
me too:

my dad usually has a bad fight with it every other year...and it puts him in the hospital for 3-5 days or so...it seems like he gets in trouble after he goes on a bad vodka bender for a week or two...honestly, i dont know if its correlated, but since his diet hasnt really changed since he was diagnosed, the heavy drinking is what i have blamed the last few hospital visits on...

another thing is heat...seems working/playing outside in the heat of summer can trigger bleeding too, bgs...again, i dunno if its correlated and im sure everyone is a little different