Allow me to ruin your childhood

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Only married guys have "goomahs".

Well when I was in a relationship, she was a Goomah.

You're right. Now she is.....a girl.
I don't know man, you foreigners are fucking nutso.

Don't know and dont care to know anything about Nazis or the war, Inglorious Bastards, no problem. But show em a Nazi duck and it causes a strong visceral reaction.

So you are choosing to be ignorant about a HUGE world war that involved multiple nations, changed an entire generation and future generations, and shaped the world as we know it today?

That is just.... ignorant and ridiculous. I don't understand why any one would chose to be ignorant.
that was not a reference to me, you cant be that dense :facepalm:

read the 1st sentence again
I've been to the Nazi museum in Berlin and Schindler's factory in Krakow. That makes me an expert on WWII, thankyouverymuch.