Allow me to ruin your childhood

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They put swastikas all over Donald Fokken Duck for like 6 minutes before the it-was-all-a-dream reveal.

Them bastids.
I suppose that just the image of Donald Duck as a Nazi could be disillusioning, regardless of the message or intent?

Exactly. I don't get why that was difficult to understand by some people.
Pretty funny. Nazi Homer Simpson shows up and I'll freak the fuck out.
I don't know man, you foreigners are fucking nutso.

Don't know and dont care to know anything about Nazis or the war, Inglorious Bastards, no problem. But show em a Nazi duck and it causes a strong visceral reaction.
Here Daffy defeats Nazi birds and even hits Hitler himself. Childhood saved!

I don't know man, you foreigners are fucking nutso.


Imagine Igor Larionov being the main character in an anti-nazi propaganda skit, during which he wears the Third Reich uniform.

Incongruous, disturbing, unpleasant.

Don't pretend you don't understand.
Would you care if Donald Duck was portrayed as killer of native Americans? Nah but all hell breaks loose if there is a Nazi association.
It's the uniform man.
I know Cali wasn't being serious when she said Donald Duck in Nazi uniform was scarring, but for arguments sake, let's say she was.

Most young children watching it wouldn't understand how evil the Nazis were.

Obviously as we get older, it becomes a lot more clear.

Seeing Donald Duck in a Nazi uniform isn't as much shocking or traumatic as it is curious.

Curious how in today's society, putting a cartoon character in Nazi garb would draw ire from all sorts of media people.

Even if the cartoon character was mocking Nazis.

Back then, the lack of social media made this scenario a lot less jarring.
You know a thread is good when Casper turns out to be the voice of reason.

(Bring back the Thread Rating feature! F0cker's dead anyway!)
This is sober Casp and still money but man his drunken banter is off the charts lately. Casp from now on when you are drunk I request more dialogue.
This is sober Casp and still money but man his drunken banter is off the charts lately. Casp from now on when you are drunk I request more dialogue.

Bacon, I have the ex in town for my sisters wedding starting today.

I also am having withdrawals from my Goomah.

It should be a drunken mess of a weekend.


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I think I speak for the masses when I say we expect updates.

Do it for Buckner man. That shit was fucked up. Mookie Wilson is still an asshole.
I think I speak for the masses when I say we expect updates.

Do it for Buckner man. That shit was fucked up. Mookie Wilson is still an asshole.

I still blame Bob Stanley.
That's a good point.
Is that your sister or your ex?